A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Constiuent questions 445

4.1 In situ questions

One of the principal types of constituent questions is the in situ question, in
which the interrogative element occurs in the same position in which non-
interrogatives are found. This strategy is available for direct objects and prepo-
sitional objects, as illustrated in (26-29).

(26) a. Bapa' ngerem apa dha' Bibbi'?
father AV.send what to aunt
‘What did father send to Auntie?’

b. Ina a-temmo sapa neng pasar?
Ina AV-meet who at market
‘Who did Ina meet at the market?’

(27) a. Ari a-berri' pesse dha' sapa?
Ari AV-give money to who
‘Who did Ari give money to?’

b. Ale' senneng (dha') apa?
yngr.sibling happy to what
‘What does Little Brother like?’

c. Embuk busen bi' sapa?
eld.sister bored with who
‘Who is Big Sister bored with?’

(28) a. Ebu' melle-yagi permen kaangguy sapa?
mother AV.buy-AGI candy for who
‘Who did Mother buy candy for?’

b. Pa' Rudi ma-becce' sapedha motor-ra bi' apa?
Mr Rudi AV.CS-good motorcycle-DEF with what
‘What did Pak Rudi fix the motorcycle with?’

c. Ina a-massa' juko' ngangguy apa?
Ina AV-cook fish using what
‘What did Ina cook the fish with?’

(29) a. Ana'-eng Bu Marlena mangkat dha' kamma?
child-DEF Mrs Marlena leave to where
‘Where did Marlena’s child run away to?’

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