460 Chapter 14 Questions
(82) *Bi' apa Siti a-bala ja' Ali ma-becce' sapedha motor?^11
with what Siti AV-say COMP Ali AV.CS-good motorcycle
(What did Siti say that Ali fixed the motorcycle with?)
In (81) and (82), the wh-adjuncts of the embedded clauses have moved by long-
distance movement and the sentences are ungrammatical. This behavior is ex-
actly these same as that of non-wh-adjuncts (Chapter 12 section 4). The expla-
nation for the facts is the same as for the wh-nominals discussed in section 5.4:
Madurese does not permit long-distance movement, with wh-phrases or non-wh-
In order to front these embedded wh-phrases, it is necessary to nominalize
the matrix predicate, thus making the structures monoclausal.
(83) a. Pa-ngera-na guru-na, dha'ramma mored-da nyoper motor?
NOM-AV.think- DEF teacher- DEF how student-DEF AV.drive car
‘How did the teacher think and her student drove the car?’
lit. ‘(In) the teacher’s thinking, how did her student drive the car?’
b. Dha'ramma pa-ngera-na guru-na, mored-da nyoper motor?
how NOM-AV.think- DEF teacher- DEF student-DEF AV.drive car
‘How did the teacher think and her student drove the car?’
lit. ‘How, (in) the teacher’s thinking, did her student drive the car?’
(84) a. Pa-bala-na Siti Ali ma-becce' sapedha motor bi' apa?
NOM.AV-say Siti Ali AV.CS-good motorcycle with what
‘What did Siti say that Ali fixed the motorcycle with?’
lit. ‘(According to) Siti’s saying, what did Ali fix the motorcycle with?’
b. Bi' apa pa-bala-na Siti Ali ma-becce' sapedha motor?
with what NOM.AV-say Siti Ali AV.CS-good motorcycle
‘What did Siti say that Ali fixed the motorcycle with?’
lit. ‘What, (according to) Siti’s saying, did Ali fix the motorcycle with?
In the structures in (83) and (84), the nominalized predicate, pangerana ‘the
thinking’ and pabalana ‘the saying’ together with their agents marked as pos-
sessors become adjuncts to the main (simple) clause, which contains the ques-
tion. Although it is possible for the nominalization to come sentence finally, in
(83a) and (84a), the adjunct nominalizations occur in clause-initial position
(^11) Technically (82) is not ungrammatical, but bi' apa is a question not about how Ali
fixed the motorcycle but a question about what Siti used to ask the question. A legiti-
mate answer would be something like 'With a megaphone' or 'With a microphone'. Most
speakers I consulted merely reject the sentence, however.