A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Parembi'na Joko Tole 501

  1. San olle sangang bulan pas rembi', rembi' kana' lake', baji' lake'
    after get nine month then deliver deliver child male baby male
    ce' gantheng-nga.
    very handsome-DEF
    After nine months, she delivered a baby boy, very handsome baby boy.

  2. Tape pa-rembi'-eng Pottre Koneng lo' kalowar dara sakale, kana'.
    but NOM-deliver-DEF Pottre Koneng not come.out blood once kids.
    But after the delivery, Pottre Koneng did not bleed at all.

  3. Ca'-eng dungeng, ja'reng Pottre Koneng a-rassa todhus keya
    say-DEF story because Pottre Koneng AV-feel embarrassed too
    andhi' ana' gita' a-lake , aba'eng gita' a-lake, pas
    have child not.yet AV-husband she not.yet AV-husband then
    nyoro dha' bu' emban bi' bu' mongmong,
    AV.command to mother nanny with mother nurse
    According to the story, because Pottre Koneng also felt ashamed to have a
    child without being married, she said to her servants,

  4. “Bu' mongmong, engko' menta'-a tolong dha' kake.
    mother nurse I AV.ask-IRR help to you
    “Nurse, I ask you to help me.

  5. “Malle tang kai lo' todhus, malle tang ebu lo' todhus,
    so.that my father not embarrassed so.that my mother not embarrassed
    engko' keya lo' todhus, buwang-ngagi tang baji' reya dha'
    I too not embarrassed discard-AGI my baby this to
    tengnga alas.
    center forest
    “So that my father is not ashamed and so that my mother is not ashamed,
    and I am not ashamed either, please abandon my baby deep in the forest.

  6. “Engko' berra' se nyata-na ja'reng na'-kana' gi' buru ma-rocot
    I heavy REL real-DEF because RED-child still just AV.CS-free
    dhari sengko'.
    from me
    “I really feel sad about that this child I just delivered.

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