A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Radin Sagara 519

  1. Kennengngan jareya bid-abid-da sa'ellana bannya' oreng se
    place this RED-long-DEF after many person REL
    ngenneng-nge pas e-nyama-e kampong Gegger ya.
    AV.place-LOC then OV-name-LOC village Gegger yes
    Eventually, many people were living there and it was called village Gegger.

  2. Sampe' sateya kampong otaba disa Gegger jiya gi' badha ya.
    until now village or town Gegger this yet exist yes
    The village of Gegger is still there today.

  3. La-mala badha gunong-nga se e-nyama-e Gunong Gegger.
    RED-even exist mountain-DEF REL OV-name-LOC mountain Gegger
    In addition, there is a mountain called Mt. Gegger.

  4. Daddi asal mola-na koca'-eng dungeng, Pottre Doro Gung moso
    so origin begin-DEF say-DEF story Pottre Doro Gung with
    Radin Sagara pottra-na jareya odhi' neng Gunong Gegger.
    Radin Sagara son-DEF this live at mountain Gegger
    So, according to the story, the village began with Pottre Doro Gung and
    Radin Sagara living at Mt. Gegger.

  5. Ya, seddheng ra-kera Pottre Doro Gung jareya la cokop abit
    yes when RED-guess Pottre Doro Gung this already enough long
    badha neng kennengngan se a-nyama Gegger jareya, enga', enga'
    exist at place REL AV-name Gegger this remember remember
    dha' Ke Poleng, pas ng-olok Ke Poleng.
    to Ke Poleng then AV-call Ke Poleng
    After the Pottre Doro Gung lived at Mt. Gegger for a while, she
    remembered Ke Poleng, and then she called him.

  6. Ke Poleng janji-na lakar mon badha pa-apa, manggi ka-sossa'-an,
    Ke Poleng promise-DEF real if exist RED-what AV.meet NOM-sad
    pottre e-soro a-tarja dha' tana tello kale, Ke Poleng bakal
    princess OV-order AV-stomp to ground three time Ke Poleng will
    Ke Poleng promised that if there was a problem, the princess could call
    him by stamping her foot on the ground three times, and he would come.

  7. A-tarja dha' tana tello kale pas laju Ke Poleng ombar.
    AV-stomp to ground three time then then Ke Poleng appear
    She stamped her foot three times and then Ke Poleng appeared.

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