Orthography 55
(73) The 1973 Standard Orthography
ɛ e^
a a
ɤ a^
ə e
u u
ɔ o
In some recent work, Indonesian linguists have employed a system remi-
niscent of the Dutch spelling system in some ways. Aspirated consonants are
transcribed as bh, dh, and so on, but except for one case, the retroflex stops are
not distinguished from the dental series. What follows are the orthographies
used in a number of recent (except in the case of Asmoro) works on Madurese,
including the 1973 official system used in Safioedin 1977.
sound symbol symbol
p p '
p b h h
b b m m
t t n n
d ɲ ny
d d ng
ṭ t s s
ṭ d r r
ḍ d l l
c c j y
c j w w
j (^)
k k
k g (^)
g g