A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1


The influence of many people is manifested in numerous ways in the pages that
Eschewing time-honored tradition, I would first and foremost like to rre-
cognize the inestimable contribution of my family. Patty, Billy, and Kate pro-
vided vast quantities of moral and physical support. They showed great patience
in the face of my sometimes inexplicable passion for this subject, actually en-
couraging it. They endured the absence of husband, father, coach, companion,
playmate, crossword puzzle chum for a couple months each year while I was off
gathering data; at least they did not complain about it very strenuously. Thanks
guys, you really are the best.
Surachman Dimyati introduced me to the Madurese language, first as my
research assistant, later my colleague in many of these endeavors, but always as
my friend, opening numerous paths both physical and otherwise for the past 15
Many speakers of Madurese endured my virtually unending string of
strange queries, my aberrant pronunciation, and my occasional confusion with
great equanimity. I am most grateful for the enthusiasm they showed for the
project. All were wonderful, but deserving of special mention are Masharudin,
Moh. Hasan Sasra, Ruskawi Sjah, and Sugiyono, whom were generous with
their time and energy and willing to set me straight on more than one occasion.
Thanks to Sri Muliyati, Sarwo Santuso, Mauliyati, Mohammad Ridwan, Laila
Qodriyah Ervan, and A. Haitul Umam for their important contributions to my
understanding of their language. And thanks to ‘the boys’ at the Hotel Ningrat
in Bangkalan; they not only contributed linguistic and personal information
through our attempts to understand one another but also made my stays on Ma-
dura all the richer (not to mention once helping me out of a jam).
I’d like to thank those folks who read a chapter and sometimes much,
much more as the work progressed. Jill Beckman, Stan Dubinsky, Ivan Ivanov,
Kumyoung Lee, Ileana Paul, Cathie Ringen, and Roumyana Slabakova all made
important suggestions, many of which found their way into this volume. In ad-
dition to reading the entire manuscript, Kumyoung provided much needed edi-
torial assistance and frequently rescued me from my lack of mastery of the word
processing software, and special thanks to Eri Kurniawan and Stan for some
technical stuff. Tom Frakes whipped up some nice maps on very short notice.
Bernard Comrie, who apparently drew the short straw, served as series editor
for the book, providing invaluable feedback through his careful reading of the
manuscript. Now adhering to time-honored tradition, I reluctantly release all of

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