Open class categories 65
(9) kabbi bengko ‘all the houses’
kabbi saba ‘all the fields’
sabban bapa' ‘each father’
kabbi baca
kabbi toles
sabban entar
kabbi sala
kabbi penter
sabban kene'
Finally, while all open class lexical items can serve as predicates in Ma-
durese, a noun cannot occur as the predicate in a cleft, whereas verbs and adjec-
tives can.
(10) a. Oreng rowa entar.
person that go
‘That person went.’
b. Oreng rowa se entar.
person that REL go
‘That person is who went.’
(11) a. Aba'na labu.
he/she fall
‘He/she fell.’
b. Aba'na se labu.
he/she REL fall
‘He/she is who fell.’
(12) a. Oreng rowa penter.
person that smart
‘That person is smart.’
b. Oreng rowa se penter.
person that REL smart
‘That person is who is smart.’
(13) a. Aba'na sala.
he/she wrong
‘He/she is wrong.’