A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

80 Chapter 3 Lexical categories

(56) Hasan maca buku on-laon-an.
Hasan AV.read book RED-slow-AN
‘Hasan read the book slowly.’

(57) Sinap nyetir motor-ra santa'.
Sinap AV.drive car-DEF fast
‘Sinap drives her car fast.’

As these derivations are quite productive, the subcategory of manner adverb
seems to be an open class. However, the fact remains that if manner adverbs are
set aside the category adverb is a small, closed class.

2.2 Auxiliaries

There is a small number of lexical items which act as modal and temporal ele-
ments that modify the sentence in a way quite similar to auxiliaries in English.
This is the sole function for these basic words commonly referred to as auxilia-
ries in the literature, listed in (58).

(58) bakal ‘will’
bisa ‘can’
kodu ‘should’
pasthe ‘must’

The auxiliaries invariantly occur in immediate preverbal position, as in (59) and

(59) Ebu' bisa maca sorat reya.
mother can AV.read letter this
‘Mother can read this letter.’

(60) Rokip kodu entar dha’ Sorbaja.
Rokip should go to Surabaya
‘Rokip should go to Surabaya.’

The only lexical item that may intercede between these auxiliaries and the verb
is the negative, ta’ or lo’ (61). Preverbal adverbs must precede any auxiliaries

(61) Rokip kodu lo’ entar dha’ Sorbaja.
Rokip should not go to Surabaya
‘Rokip should not go to Surabaya.’

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