A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse - The Intonation of Increments

(C. Jardin) #1

The Corpus and its Coding 123

(4) but it is ↑NOT a \REAson // for WALking a\WAY // it s a REAson
c N V a d N P NPHR # N V d N
for STAYing the \/COURSE // and \STAYing it // no MATter how
P N+ d N d N+ N phr W
TOUGH it \↓IS //[T2-Bs-52-52]
E N V Ø #

In example (3) Jt presents the chain but it is not a reason for walking away as
information which realizes an intermediate state: target state is only reached
after the completion of the following tone unit. For Jt the reason for walking
away is not an independent piece of information which satisfi es a commun-
icative need. However, for Bs the chain of elements but it is not a reason for
walking away realizes an act of telling. He presents the chain it is a reason for
staying the course as being little more than a restatement of his previous
increment: an intermediate state prior to the achievement of target state
which tells how tough it will be to stay the course!
In Brazil (1995) the speaker developed the ultimate telling of the mono-
logue by using the target state achieved by the preceding increment as the
initial state for the following increment until the monologue had been
completed. There were no instances of speakers breaking off the increment
they were producing in order to back track or to add a gloss, they presented
as necessary for their ultimate telling. Examples (5) to (7) illustrates that in
the corpus readers did interrupt increments to add glosses relevant to their
ultimate telling.

(5) the ↑REAson why they are \/DOing // what they are DOing in i/
d n w N V V' Ø W N V V' P+
RAQ // at the \MOment // Increment 30 interrupted by following increment
N P d N
[and /YES // it is REALly \TOUGH // as a re/SULT // of /↓IT //]
c con N V A E P+ d N P N
is because they \KNOW // that... if RIGHT in the CENtre of the
V w N V W c a P+ d N P d
\MIDdle east // is^9 the MUSlim /\COUNtry // you got a
N V d e N N V d
nonsecTARian de\MOCracy // [T2-Dc-30-31]
e N #
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