A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse - The Intonation of Increments

(C. Jardin) #1

196 A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse

(51) and get a re\PORT // FACE to FACE with the /POlice // and
c V' d N phr P d N c
the e\/↓MERGency services // and the /MINisters //
d N c d N

that have been \DEALing with this //
W+ V V' V' P N

and then to reTURN later this \/EVening // [T1-Sn-10]
c a Ø V' A+ d N #

In (49) Emi’s selection of the increment fi nal low key/termination sig-
nals the closure of a pitch sequence and projects the target state reached
after the production of the fi nal tone unit as being equative to the interme-
diate state reached by the production of the previous tone unit – see discus-
sion of (45) above. In (50) the increment fi nal low key/termination closes
a pitch sequence and projects an equivalence between the action described
in the increment fi nal tone unit and the discourse expectations created by
the prior co-text. An identical target state would have been reached had Bs
not produced the fi nal tone unit. However, his production of the fi nal tone
unit with low key/termination adds force to his message by explicating the
shared self-evidence of the amorality of terrorist actions.
Sn in (51) equates the police and the emergency services; mention of one
implies the existence of the other. In the context of her utterance while
emergency services is a potential syntactic point of completion it does not
seem to signal a potential end. Sn has created a context where there is an
expectation that she will describe the purpose of the trip to London;
an expectation which is only satisfi ed by her mention of ministers that have
been dealing with this.

(52) in other \↓WORDS // PEOple werent –GOVerned //
phr N V V'
EIther by reLIGious fa\NAtics // or SEcular
A+ P dº e N c dº e
dic\/TAtors // [T2-Bc-29]
N #

Bc’s selection of initial low key/termination projects that the target
state reached by his increment 29 elaborates but does not extend the
target state reached by the prior increment. There do not seem to be any

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