A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse - The Intonation of Increments

(C. Jardin) #1

222 Appendix 3

  1. what happened after September the 11th...
    w v p n...^13
    and this explains I think the President’s policy
    c N V phr d e N (#)

  2. but also the reason why I have taken the view
    c a d n w N V V' d V (#)

  3. and still take the view...
    c Ø a V d N...^14

  4. that Britain and America should remain strong allies
    w N c N V V d° e N+
    shoulder to shoulder in fi ghting this battle
    phr P N+ d N (#)

  5. is that we are never going to succeed
    V w N V a V' V' Ø (#)

  6. unless we understand they are going to fi ght hard
    c N V Ø N V V' V' E (#)

  7. the reason why they are doing
    d n w N V V' Ø
    what they are doing in Iraq at the moment...
    W N V V' P+ N P d N...

  8. and yes it is really tough as a result of it
    c con N V A E P+ d N P N (#)

  9. is because they know that if right in the centre of the Middle East
    V w N V W c a P+ d N P+ d N
    in an Arab Muslim country you got a non-sectarian democracy
    P d e+ e N+ N V d e N (#)

  10. in other words people weren’t governed
    phr N V V'
    either by religious fanatics or secular dictators
    A+ P dº e N c dº e N (#)

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