A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse - The Intonation of Increments

(C. Jardin) #1

242 Notes

(^10) An alternate analysis is to code increment 14 as an extension within increment 13.
(^11) The convention you know could have been coded as the fi rst element in incre-
ment 18. In speech the position of the pause is used to determine whether
conventions are increment initial or fi nal. See also you know in increments 58, 60
and 62, and the adverbial element now in increments 19, 27 and 45.
(^12) The suspensive subchain interrupts the prospection of the N element the act of
terror. The brackets around (it’s) indicate that the repetition of the NV elements
does not advance the increment towards target state.
(^13) The... dots indicate the abandonment of an increment: in other words in
increment 28 production of the N element represents the fi rst advance towards
target state. An alternate analysis would be
(^) Now what happened after September the 11th is coded as an increment as follows:
(^) a W V p N Ø # = semantically Something happened after
September. In speech intonation and pausing would be used to choose the correct
(^14) Increment 30 is abandoned but then picked up once more by the speaker after
the completion of increment 31. See also increment 33.

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