Desert Camp - Wadi Halfa – 72 km
Awake early we were keen to get going as this was the final stretch to Wadi Halfa.
The only way to get from Sudan to Egypt overland was by ferry from Wadi Halfa to
Aswan in Egypt across the Aswan Dam.
Being a weekly ferry, it was essential to get the boat the following morning or wait
a further week. Unfortunately, our visas expired more than a week before and we
were desperate to get the coming days’ ferry.
Great was our surprise to find the last 30 kilometres into Wadi Halfa paved. With
smiles and an immeasurable sense of relief, the two desert rats made their way into
the small port town of Wadi Halfa. I was relieved (and I’m sure so was Ernest)
being out of the desert and in a dirty room with a sagging bed. We were even more
delighted with the many food stalls and being in time to catch the Aswan ferry.