Free Autoresponder Course Videos
If you can send 3 , 600 visitors to your squeeze page in a month as we mentioned
earlier and only 1 , 080 of them subscribe to your list, then they are taken to a thank
you page to download the free report.
They will also find some offers which might interest them. We will add 3 to 4 CPA
offers to increase the chances of them going for one offer at least.
Now if only 5 percent of the 1 , 080 subscribers choose an offer and if one offer
pays you $ 30 , you will be able to earn $1, 500 before you send them any
promotional message.
So even if you used paid advertisement to send traffic to your squeeze page,
you will be able to make the money back and in most cases with a little profit.
Isn’t this a great way to build a list?
Your thank you page could be like the one below:
With this you will be able to make more money while building your list.