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There are so many ways to drive traffic to any website, some are free while others
require money.
I will explain the free and paid traffic generation methods below:
Free Traffic Generatio n Matho ds
There are so many ways to drive interested people to your website for free and
some of them will be explained below:
Forum Posting. There are lots of forums on the internet on different niches. People
use forums as a platform to find solutions to their problem.
Just do a search on Google for forums in your niche,it’s simple!
In the above search, I used weight loss, you can replace it with your sub niche.
Register with at least 8 forums, contribute at least 10 valuable posts to peoples
question post with no link to your sales page.
After doing this in a week or more, you can start adding your sales page link to all
your post and your Forum signature.
If you can do this consistently for three months, you will start to see a massive flow
of visitors coming to your squeeze page. This means you will be able to build your
list and at the same time make money from CPA or other affiliate offers on your
thank you page.