A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

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given the selection of informants that represent only a part of what might be
thefield of AL.
The journals mentioned were:Applied Linguistics(AL),The International
Review of Applied Linguistics(IRAL),Language Learning (LL),The Modern
Language Journal(MLJ),Studies in Second Language Acquisition(SSLA) and
TESOL Quarterly(TQ).
The following articles have been mentioned four times or more, with the
number of listings in brackets:

Canale, M. and Swain, M. (1980)“Theoretical bases of communicative
approaches to second language teaching and testing”,Applied Linguistics,
vol. 1, no. 1: 1–47. (11)
Firth, A. and Wagner, J. (1997)“On discourse, communication, and (some)
fundamental concepts in SLA research”,The Modern Language Journal,
vol. 81, no. 3: 285–300. (11)
Norris, J. and Ortega, L. (2000)“Effectiveness of L2 instruction: A research
synthesis and quantitative meta-analysis”,Language Learning, vol. 50, no.
3: 417–528. (9)
Selinker, L. (1972)“Interlanguage”,International Review of Applied Linguistics
in Language Teaching, vol. 10, no. 1–4: 209–32. (9)
Larsen-Freeman, D. (1997)“Chaos/complexity science and second language
acquisition”,Applied Linguistics, vol. 18, no. 2: 141–65. (7)
Ellis, N.C. (1998)“Emergentism, connectionism and language learning”,
Language Learning, vol. 48, no. 4: 631–64. (6)
Meisel, J.M., Clahsen, H. and Pienemann, M. (1981) “On determining
developmental stages in natural second language acquisition”,Studies in
Second Language Acquisition, vol. 3, no. 2: 109–35. (5)
The“Five Graces Group”, Beckner, C., Blythe, R., Bybee, J., Christiansen,
M.H., Croft, W., Ellis, N.C., Holland, J., Ke, J., Larsen-Freeman, D. and
Schoenemann, T. (2009)“Language is a complex adaptive system: Position
paper”,Language Learning, vol. 59: 1–26. (5)
Cook, V. (1999)“Going beyond the native speaker in language teaching”,
TESOL Quarterly, vol. 33, no. 2: 185–209. (4)
Corder, S.P. (1967)“The significance of learner’s errors”,International Review
of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, vol. 5, no. 1–4: 161–70. (4)
Gregg, K. (1984)“Krashen’s monitor and Occam’s razor”,Applied Linguistics,
vol. 5, no. 2: 79–100. (4)
Long, M. (1983)“Does second language instruction make a difference? A
review of research”,TESOL Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 3: 359–82. (4)
Schmidt, R.W. (1983)“Interaction, acculturation and the acquisition of
communicative competence”in: N. Wolfson and E. Judd (eds), Socio-
linguistics and Language Acquisition, Rowley, MA: Newbury House,
pp. 137–74. (4)
Schmidt, R.W. (1990)“The role of consciousness in second language learning”,
Applied Linguistics, vol. 11, no. 2: 129–58. (4)

Most important articles and books in AL 51
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