Reader\'s Digest - 04.2020

(John Hannent) #1
well with stage fright,
but I got dry mouth—
that’s a common side
effect of stage fright. It
is extremely difficult to
whistle when you don’t
have a wet whistle.

Were you applying lots
of lip balm backstage?
Oh, absolutely! We
all have our favorite
brands. I’m a Blistex
Medicated guy myself.

Are you a whistling
I do it all the time. I
whistle walking to and
from the cafeteria at

work. I definitely annoy
my wife, whistling
while doing the dishes.

Do you whistle any-
thing written in the
past 300 years?
I’ve been listening to
a lot of Grateful Dead
lately, so you’ll hear me
whistle that if you hang
out around me. RD

Gassner took first place
in the Stage 2 Classical
Pre-Recorded Accompa-
niment Division in this
biennial contest held in
Pasadena, California.

This was your first
major contest. What
made you want to enter?
I whistled “Danny Boy”
in a St. Patrick’s Day
talent show, and I won.
That was the first indi-
cation that I could go
on to an actual whis-
tling competition.

But here you went
with the third movement
of Mozart’s Horn
Concerto no. 4. That’s
a lot to take on, isn’t it?
I’m a French horn
player and I had per-
formed several of Mo-
zart’s horn concerti in
the past, so I was pretty
familiar with the music.

Were you nervous?
Generally I do pretty


brad gassner, age 34,
St. Clair, Missouri

40 april 2020 | illustration by John Cuneo

Reader’s Digest


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