
(Awab NajiXgMu3r) #1
Workbook answer keys and transcripts 21

Exercise 2 page 67^

1 the current obesity epidemic; financial, nutritional and
ecological reasons
2 Universities hold insect fairs and more market stalls
and restaurants are offering insect meals. Furthermore,
specialist blogs like Daniella Martin’s are promoting the
eating of insects.

Exercise 3 page 67^

1 E 2 A 3 B 4 D

6G Speaking


Exercise 1 page 68^

1 h 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 f 6 c 7 e 8 g

Exercise 2 page 68^

1 could repeat that? 2 quite catch that. 3 saying that
again? 4 mean by ...? 5 like ...? 6 same as ...?

Exercise 3 $ 2.05^ page 68^

4, 2

Examiner What seems to be the matter?
Candidate Well, I’ve hurt my foot.
Examiner Let me see. Where exactly does it hurt?
Candidate Right here at the top of my toe.
Examiner Can you stand and put weight on it?
Candidate Not very well. It’s quite painful.
Examiner How did this happen?
Candidate I was helping to carry heavy boxes to the garage
and I dropped one on my foot.
Examiner Oh dear. Well, it’s very swollen and bruised. I think
I’m going to send you for an X-ray, just to check that nothing
is fractured.
Candidate What do you mean by fractured?
Examiner Broken. There are many small bones in the foot.
They can be quite easy to break.
Candidate Oh, I see.
Examiner It’s important to keep your weight off the foot in the
meantime. Keep your foot up, preferably higher than your body.
Candidate What about a bandage?
Examiner Tight bandages are a good idea. The nurse will
show you what to do. Also, put ice on it at regular intervals.
Candidate I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch all of that.
Examiner You need to put ice, something cold, over the
bruising on your foot. It will help the swelling to go down.
Candidate Oh, I see.
Examiner I’ll just request an appointment for an X-ray. The
nurse will take you.
Candidate Thank you.
Examiner And if the X-ray is fine, you need to come back in a
week’s time. Meanwhile, I’ll give you a prescription for some
Candidate And how often do I take them?
Examiner Once every four hours for the next three days.
Candidate Thank you, doctor.

Exercise 4 $ 2.05^ page 68^

The injury foot hurts at the top of the foot, it is swollen and

5 should be dismissed 6 might have been lied
7 may have been misunderstood 8 could be encouraged

Exercise 2 page 65^

1 being woken up 2 to be reported 3 to be told
4 to be cured 5 to be met 6 to be prevented
7 (to) being amazed 8 to be known

Exercise 3 page 65^

1 It is known that too much sugar is bad for us. Too much
sugar is known to be bad for us.
2 It is estimated that a third of babies born in the UK in
2013 have a life expectancy of 100. A third of babies
born in the UK in 2013 are estimated to have a life
expectancy of 100.
3 It is said that vitamin C is good for colds. Vitamin C is
said to be good for colds.
4 It was once thought that carrots were good for your
eyesight. Carrots were once thought to be good for
your eyesight.
5 It is believed that the ancient Egyptians were great
doctors. The ancient Egyptians are believed to have
been great doctors.
6 It is said that the actor put on ten kilos for this film. The
actor is said to have put on ten kilos for this film.

Exercise 4 page 65^

1 being 2 It 3 been 4 have 5 is 6 be

6E Word Skills

Compound adjectives

Exercise 1 page 66^

1 e 2 b 3 g 4 h 5 c 6 a 7 d 8 f

Exercise 2 page 66^

1 breath 2 old 3 mouth 4 thought 5 high
6 time 7 second

Exercise 3 page 66^

1 well written 2 good-looking 3 well-known
4 English-speaking 5 densely populated
6 mind-blowing 7 bleary-eyed

Exercise 4 page 66^

1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 b

Exercise 5 page 66^

(Possible answers)
1 who can’t see well 2 whose body temperature is affected
by the temperature of the air / water 3 made at the latest
possible time 4 which is known by people all over the
world 5 who has good behaviour 6 whose origins go
back a very long time 7 who doesn’t judge other people

6F Reading

Future food

Exercise 1 page 67^

1 diet 2 amounts 3 slice 4 portion 5 leftovers
6 menu 7 flavours 8 dishes

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