
(Awab NajiXgMu3r) #1
Workbook answer keys and transcripts 23

Jessica But Tom, I do want to go out with you. It’s just that ...
Tom Just tell me the truth, Jessica!
Jessica I will, it’s just difficult ... You see, it’s my parents ...
They don’t want me to go out with you.
2 Leo Are you working on the school newspaper, Grace?
Grace Yes, I’m just adding a photo to my article about our
school trip.
Leo But who’s that?
Grace t’s Molly.I
Leo Molly? But that doesn’t look anything like her!
Grace Well, I’ve just improved the photo a little.
Leo A little?! Even her parents wouldn’t recognise her!
You can’t do that! What about the article? Have you been
honest about what happened?
Grace Well, I’ve made it a little bit more interesting,
otherwise it would be boring.
Leo You mean you’ve invented things.
Grace nvented things? I’d never do that, Leo! I’ve just I
made things seem a little funnier than they really were.
Leo But the idea of a newspaper is to explain what really
Grace Oh come on, I’m not lying to anyone. I’m just
making it a little more entertaining!

Exercise 4 page 74^

1 reveal 2 lied 3 makes 4 owned-up 5 distorted

Exercise 5 page 74^

1 biased 2 hypocritical 3 manipulative 4 direct
5 ethical 6 honest

Exercise 6 page 74^

1 straight 2 devious 3 fake 4 trustworthy
5 truthful 6 hypocritical

7B Grammar

Reported speech

Exercise 1 page 75^

1 must take these tablets twice a day.
2 (that) he was going to the gym the next day.
3 didn’t have to wait for her.
4 (that) he had taken his final exam the day before.
5 (that) he hadn’t told me the complete truth.
6 (that) he’ll meet me later today.
7 (that) she prefers this café to the one opposite.
8 (that) she would always remember meeting me.

Exercise 2 page 75^

1 what time the game started 2 he would like to try
3 if I had finished 4 which film she had seen
5 me why I had 6 he was going to 7 he could help us

Exercise 3 page 75^

1 My mum asked me why I was home so late.
2 ... if I had left school on time that day.
3 ... if I had (got) lots of homework to do.
4 ... when I was going to tidy my room.
5 ... if I had seen my brother that afternoon.
6 ... if I’d help her with the shopping the next day.
7 ... if I’d like her to give me some money for a pizza.

Marilyn That’s right, Rob, and rare beef is perfectly safe, as long
as it’s well-cooked on the outside to kill the surface bacteria. You
see, pieces of beef have a very dense texture that bacteria can’t
go through, so it’s not so important to cook it right through
to the middle. You can also eat raw beef, like steak tartare, for
example, but this is only safe to eat when the meat has been
handled following strict food safety guidelines. As for other
kinds of meat, they should all be cooked through to the middle.
Presenter Let’s talk about leftover food now, Marilyn. Is it safe
to reheat it?
Marilyn Yes, reheating food is fine, as long as you heat it to
74ºC all the way through to kill the bacteria. If you’re using a
microwave, you should mix the food halfway through to ensure
that there aren’t any cold spots that still have bacteria. And you
have to be extra careful with rice. Rice has a bacteria which
produces a toxin that is not destroyed by heat. Reheating the
rice kills the bacteria, but it doesn’t remove the toxin. To reduce
the risk of food poisoning, put cooked rice in the fridge as soon
as possible after cooking, and reheat it only once.
Presenter That all makes perfect sense, Marilyn. Thank you for
joining us.
Marilyn My pleasure.

Exercise 5 page 73^

1 is (fact) 2 were (past tense) 3 been (in progress)
4 be (future) 5 being (after stop)

Exercise 6 page 73^

1 been 2 few 3 should 4 being 5 Under 6 hand
7 than 8 On

Exercise 7 page 73^

1 be the boy’s grandfather 2 have just been shopping
3 be having a good time

Exercise 9 page 73^

1 Did you know that 2 That’s why
3 Can we still feed our brains

Unit 7 Tall stories

7A Vocabulary

Truth and lies

Exercise 1 page 74^

1 lie 2 exaggerate 3 manipulate 4 photoshop
5 pass 6 disguise

Exercise 2 page 74^

1 cheating 2 fibbing 3 swear 4 fool 5 fabricated
6 misled

Exercise 3 $ 2.07^ page 74^

1 a 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 b

1 Jessica Look, Tom, I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able
to come to the cinema tonight after all.
Tom Oh dear. Why not?
Jessica ’ve got to do something at home.I
Tom Are you sure, Jessica? This is the second time that
you’ve cancelled a date. If you don’t want to go out with
me, just tell me. I’ll survive!

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