
(Awab NajiXgMu3r) #1
Workbook answer keys and transcripts 31

Exercise 6 page 97^

1 it 2 One/The 3 what 4 One 5 all 6 one

9C Listening

Moneyless living

Exercise 1 page 98^

1 O 2 O 3 F 4 F

Exercise 2 page 98^

Introducing an opinion as far as I’m concerned, as I see
it, I strongly believe, I’ve a feeling that, in my view, my
impression is, personally, to my mind
Introducing a fact actually, in fact, in reality, it’s been proved
that, it’s true that, it’s undeniable that, the truth is, undeniably

Exercise 3 $ 2.22^ page 98^

1 To my mind, O 2 It’s undeniable that, F
3 As far as I’m concerned, O 4 I strongly believe, O
5 It’s true that, F 6 It’s been proved that, F
1 To my mind, bank managers get paid too much.
2 t’s undeniable that inflation has remained at the same I
level for six months.
3 As far as I’m concerned, the government’s policies to
tackle poverty aren’t working.
4 I strongly believe it’s better to be a saver than a spender.
5 t’s true that more Monopoly money is printed every year I
than real money.
6 t’s been proved that the key to happiness is spending I
money on experiences rather than possessions.

Exercise 4 $ 2.23^ page 98^

1 a 2 b 3 c
1 I can quite understand why people try to live without money
today. In my view, it forges a community spirit that we have
lost in this technological age. If you help someone with
something and they help you with something else, you
form a bond with that person. I grew up in a small village in
Wales where nobody had any money at all. We lived like all
the other families lived – a hand-to-mouth existence, with
none of the things – TVs, cars and smartphones – that we
consider necessary today. But I was an extremely happy child
in a happy family, living in a happy village. Every house was
always open to anyone else. Children were looked after by
everybody. People grew food and shared it around. And if
a family was in trouble, everyone helped out. When I visit
these days, everyone seems well-off, with more in the bank,
and that’s good. However, it has destroyed some of the
community feeling because people don’t need each other
so much now. Instead, people use money to solve their
problems and don’t ask their neighbours any more.
2 A What is couch-surfing? And why do you want to do it,
B You don’t know what couch-surfing is? Personally, I
think it’s a brilliant idea. You join this website and you can
stay with people all over the world for free.
A Really? Why would people do that?
B Who? The people visiting or the people letting them stay?

Exercise 3 $ 2. 21^ page 96^

1 shopping around 2 afford 3 knock down
4 overspent 5 snapped up

See exercise 2.

Exercise 4 page 96^

1 debt 2 haggle, down 3 shop 4 pick
5 budget, afford 6 overcharged

Exercise 5 page 96^

1 items 2 wish list 3 track 4 notification
5 delivery 6 reviews

Exercise 6 page 96^

1 wish list 2 check out 3 notification 4 item
5 basket 6 review 7 delivery 8 track

9B Grammar


Exercise 1 page 97^

1 who / that lost his phone yesterday
2 that Ella is getting her hair cut
3 that his grandparents moved to last year
4 2010 that my brother was born
5 motorbike that Nick has been learning to ride
6 Saturday mornings that I have guitar lessons
7 who / that we saw at the club last night
8 that they don’t enjoy watching

Exercise 2 page 97^

1 this bag is made of, not plastic
2 9 p.m. that the film finishes, not at 8 p.m.
3 Leo who gave me this present, not my sister
4 blue dress that I prefer, not the grey one
5 Porsche that Tom drives, not a Ferrari
6 who’s / that’s going on holiday to Turkey, not Sam
7 June that school finishes, not July

Exercise 3 page 97^

1 this chicken needs is to be cooked a bit longer
2 you need to answer is two of the exam questions /
you need to do is answer two of the exam questions
3 Jenny did was (to) return the broken watch to the shop
4 we’ll have to buy is some drinks for the barbecue
5 no one can remember is the name of the new café
6 I know about our new neighbours is that they are Swedish
7 you mustn’t forget (to do) is (to) turn off the TV before

Exercise 4 page 97^

1 The person who owns that dog is Eva.
2 One thing I can’t stand is spiders.
3 A place they’ve (often) been to (often) is Japan.
4 The singer who she loves most is Adele.
5 The colour Laila doesn’t like is green.
6 One food I’ll never try is octopus!
7 A sport he’d like to try is snowboarding.

Exercise 5 page 97^

1 One 2 it’s 3 What 4 the 5 place 6 it’s 7 All

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