
(Awab NajiXgMu3r) #1
Workbook answer keys and transcripts 32

Exercise 4 page 99^

1 Before leaving 2 Since starting 3 After finishing
4 While playing 5 On checking 6 When thinking

Exercise 5 page 99^

1 Having 2 Made 3 on 4 Being 5 since 6 giving

9E Word Skills

Money idioms

Exercise 1 page 100^

1 rip 2 broke / hard up / poor 3 well 4 hard
5 cheap 6 rolling

Exercise 2 page 100^

1 d 2 f 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 g 7 e

Exercise 3 page 100^

2, 4, 5

Exercise 4 page 100^

1 be dirt cheap 2 Be in the red 3 Make ends meet
4 Be a rip-off 5 Live hand to mouth
6 Tighten your / one’s belt

Exercise 5 page 100^

1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b

Exercise 6 page 100^

1 To have problems with money. 2 To be very
expensive. 3 To work for very little money. 4 To be
very expensive. 5 To have just enough money to live
and not get into debt. 6 To show with actions (not just
words) that you believe what you say.

9F Reading

The history of the shopping mall

Exercise 1 page 101^

1 jingle 2 logo 3 endorsement 4 brand 5 launch
6 slogan 7 commercial 8 consumer

Exercise 2 page 101^

(Possible answers)
The escalators to move shoppers between the floors are
at two ends of a mall, forcing people to walk past all the
shops on a floor. Glass safety barriers on the first floor allow
consumers to easily see the shops above and below them.
Open shop fronts, with their big glass windows removed,
make it easier for people to enter them. Huge glass ceilings
to let in as much natural light as possible and the use of
artificial light makes shoppers unaware of the passing of
time. Holding different events every week and local festivals
in the space inside the mall brings in more people.

Exercise 3 page 101^

1 D 2 A 3 F 4 B

A Well, both, really! Why would you go and stay with a
stranger, and why would you have a stranger stay with you?
B o be nice? People are generally nice, you know. If you T
look on the website, the hosts are undeniably friendly
people who like company and meeting new people.
A Hmm, OK. And they really don’t want any money for it?
B No, they do it out of the goodness of their hearts. In
fact, the website’s strapline is ‘Changing the world, one
couch at a time.’ Isn’t that nice?
A No, it isn’t. It’s a terrible strapline. And a bit of an
exaggeration! It’s not like couch-surfing is ending global
warming or world poverty, is it?
3 Interviewer Welcome to Money Concerns, the programme
that deals with money issues. Today we’re looking
at moneyless issues, namely the online organisation
‘Streetbank’. Our resident economist today is Patrick
Barlow. Patrick, can you explain to us what Streetbank is?
Patrick Streetbank was set up by two friends in London as an
online community project. It is a website that allows people
to offer skills or items to others in their neighbourhood.
Interviewer n their neighbourhood? Do they really need I
to go online to talk to their neighbours?
Patrick Well, actually, yes they do – especially in places like
London where a lot of people live in the same space, but
without actually knowing anybody else. As Sam Stephens, one
of the co-founders, says, the idea is to ‘bring neighbourhoods
closer together and make the world a little bit nicer’.
Interviewer That’s certainly a splendid ambition. How does
it work in reality?
Patrick t’s similar to Freecycle, the website where people I
post things online that they want to give away. But here,
people also offer things they can do for other people, like
gardening, dog walking, computer lessons, all sorts of
things. And more importantly, people can go online to ask
a favour – to borrow a vacuum cleaner or a lawnmower,
ask for help with moving, anything really.
Interviewer So what’s the catch?
Patrick Oh, only a cynical, suspicious person would ask
that! In my opinion, there is no catch. It doesn’t cost you
anything! As the website says, people helping each other
saves money and makes the world a better place. Even as
an economist, I agree with those principles!

9D Grammar

Participle clauses

Exercise 1 page 99^

1 Taken 2 talking 3 Having slept 4 Worn
5 Discovered 6 realising 7 Being

Exercise 2 page 99^

1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 a

Exercise 3 page 99^

1 Cooked slowly, this meat will taste delicious.
2 Having passed their exam, the students are celebrating.
3 Feeling lazy, I’ve decided to have a lie-in.
4 Holding on tight, he climbed up the ladder.
5 There was a breeze blowing through the trees.
6 Born last year, my nephew is very cute.

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