Time 16Mar2020

(sharon) #1

102 Time March 16–23, 2020



Nawal El Saadawi
For a more equal Egypt

For Egyptian psychiatrist, feminist and
novelist Nawal El Saadawi, prison was
a rebirth. The 1972 publication of her

fundamental work of feminist criticism,
Women and Sex, had cemented her rep-
utation as a fearless commentator on

women’s rights in Egypt. In 1981, she
was jailed for “crimes

against the state” for her
outspoken views, includ-
ing her criticism of fe-

male circumcision. For
El Saadawi, the sentence
was a clear demonstration of the link

between political power and patriarchy.
With eyebrow pencil and a roll of toi-

let paper, she wrote of her experience:
Memoirs From the Women’s Prison, pub-
lished in 1983, became the basis of a

continued body of work that has shaped
the discourse on women’s liberation in
the Arab world. —Aryn Baker


Anna Walentynowicz

Mother of Polish independence

Poland’s escape from Soviet rule

began with Solidarity, a movement
for the rights of workers that Anna
Walentynowicz, a welder and crane op-

erator, helped create in 1980. In retalia-
tion for her activism, she was fired that
year from the Lenin Shipyard. Her col-

leagues went on strike to
get her job back, spark-
ing a mass resistance
that culminated in the
Gdansk Agreement,
which allowed the first
free-trade union in communist Eastern
Europe. Within a year, the Solidarity

union had nearly 10 million members,
with Walentynowicz as one of its lead-
ers. The triumph in Gdansk precipitated

the fall of communism, a decade later.
It also led generations of Poles to see

Walentynowicz as the mother of their
independence. ÑSimon Shuster

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