Time 16Mar2020

(sharon) #1

6 Time March 16–23, 2020


From left: committee
members Lena
Waithe, Katie Couric,
Mj Rodriguez,
Amanda Nguyen,
Elaine Welteroth,
Soledad O’Brien,
Alma Har’el, Zazie
Beetz and Nancy
Gibbs, photographed
on Feb. 16 in
New York City


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each generaTion inheriTs a hisTory, focused
through the lens of those who came before it—but time tends
to reveal a greater depth of field. In the words of Edith P.
Mayo, a curator emeritus at the Smithsonian National Mu-
seum of American History, “When you’re invisible, people
assume that you’ve done nothing.”
I was born in Tel Aviv, in a country where God-
worshipping men wake at dawn to say their morning Tefillah,
or prayer. Among meditations of thankfulness for gifts like
sight and freedom, they thank the ruler of their universe for
one more thing: not making them a woman.
As a daughter of secular parents, I asked why. An
Orthodox rabbi might say, Because a man’s role in the world
is celebrated while a woman’s role is only acknowledged
behind closed doors. At the other edges of faith, a more
progressive rabbi might explain it as a reminder that women
are paid less, face the daily threat of sexual violence and often
end up written out of history. Each morning prayer is a call of
duty to fight for a world in which the Shechinah—considered
the “feminine” aspect of God—is back from exile.


As a female filmmaker working in a male-dominated
industry that often writes women out, I take solace in pioneers
like Alice Guy-Blaché, who directed nearly a thousand films
and started a film studio long before Hollywood was booming.
She’s one of more than a hundred reasons I joined forces
with TIME to help the publication use its influential global
platform to celebrate International Women’s Day by immor-
talizing a century of visionary, brave women who each might
have been a Woman of the Year, were the scales not tipped
against them. In order to do this list justice, we convened a
committee of gifted female thinkers from various disciplines
and backgrounds. I’m thankful for their conversation, which
was illuminating, inspiring and proof that while the contri-
butions of many women throughout history may have been
erased, it’s up to us to make sure they won’t be forgotten.
I hope these women will make you proud of human his-
tory as they call on you to make your own.

Har’el, the award-winning director of Honey Boy, is
co-producing a documentary on this project

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