Time 16Mar2020

(sharon) #1

84 Time March 16–23, 2020



Rita Moreno
Breaking Hollywood barriers

Rita Moreno’s 1961 breakout role in
West Side Story almost made her quit act-
ing. Makeup artists colored her darker,

and Moreno, a Puerto Rican native, felt
her accent “didn’t make any sense.” She
resented being asked to sing “America,”

which had lines like
“Puerto Rico, you ugly
island/ Island of tropic
diseases.” She spoke
up, and the lyrics were
changed. In her long ca-
reer, she hasn’t stopped fighting against
typecasting and for fair representation

of Latinos. In 1962, she became the first
Latina to win an Oscar, going on to take
home a rare full EGOT. In 2020, she’ll re-

turn to West Side Story—this time as an
executive producer. —Soledad O’Brien

O’Brien is a journalist and documentarian


The Mirabal Sisters
Undermining a dictator

Minerva, Patria and María Teresa
Mirabal—sisters, all married with chil-
dren—were not likely revolutionaries.

But in the Dominican Republic in the
late 1950s they risked their lives resisting
the regime of Rafael Trujillo. The state’s

murder of the sisters, ages between 25
and 36, on Nov. 25, 1960, outraged the

public and triggered Trujillo’s own assas-
sination six months later. After the coun-
try’s transition to democracy in the late

1970s, the Butterflies, as Dominicans
call the sisters, became symbols of
democratic and feminist resistance.

The U.N. made the date of their deaths
International Day for the Elimination of

Violence Against Women. —Ciara Nugent

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