
(coco) #1

Chapter Nine



Many people may not be satisfied with my 10 steps. They see them
more as philosophies than actions. I think understanding the philosophy
is just as important as the action. There are many people who want to do
instead of think, and then there are people who think but do not do. I
would say that I am both. I love new ideas, and I love action.
So for those who want a to-do list on how to get started, I will
share with you some of the things I do, in abbreviated form.

•    Stop doing what you’re doing. In other words, take a break and
assess what is working and what is not working. The definition
of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting
a different result. Stop doing what is not working, and look for
something new.
• Look for new ideas. For new investing ideas, I go to bookstores
and search for books on different and unique subjects. I call
them formulas. I buy how-to books on formulas I know
nothing about.
For example, in the bookstore I found the book The 16 Percent
Solution by Joel Moskowitz. I bought the book and read it
and the next Thursday, I did exactly as the book said. Most
people do not take action, or they let someone talk them out
of whatever new formula they are studying. My neighbor told
me why 16 percent would not work. I did not listen to him
because he’s never done it.
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