
(invincible GmMRaL7) #1

Ryle comes up behind me as I’m pouring the wine and snakes his
arms around my waist. “Yep. Your boyfriend.”
I hand him a glass of wine and say, “So I’m a girlfriend?”
He holds up his glass and clinks it against mine. “To the end of trial
runs and the beginning of sure things.”
We’re both smiling as we take a drink of our wine.
Lucy stacks the boxes together and walks toward the front door.
“Looks like I got out right in time,” she says.
The door closes behind her and Ryle raises an eyebrow. “I don’t
think your roommate likes me very much.”
“You’d be surprised. I didn’t think she liked me, either, but
yesterday she asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. I think
she’s just hoping for free flowers, though. She’s very opportunistic.”
Ryle laughs and leans against the refrigerator. His eyes fall to a
magnet that says “Boston” on it. He pulls it off the refrigerator and
raises an eyebrow. “You’ll never get out of Boston purgatory if you
keep souvenirs of Boston on your fridge like a tourist.”
I laugh and grab the magnet, slapping it back on the fridge. I like
that he remembers so much about the first night we met. “It was a
gift. It only counts as touristy if I bought it myself.”
He steps over to me and takes my glass of wine from my hands. He
sets both of our glasses on the countertop, and then leans in and gives
me a deep, passionate, drunken kiss. I can taste the tart fruitiness of
the wine on his tongue and I like it. His hands go to the zipper on my
onesie. “Let’s get you out of these clothes.”
He pulls me toward the bedroom, kissing me while we both
struggle out of our clothes. By the time we make it to my bedroom,
I’m down to my bra and panties.
He shoves me against the door, and I gasp at the unexpectedness
of it.
“Don’t move,” he says. He presses his lips to my chest, then begins
to kiss me slowly as he makes his way down my body.
Oh, Lord. Can this day seriously get any better?
I run my hands through his hair, but he grabs my wrists and presses
them against the door. He climbs back up my body, squeezing my
wrists tightly. He raises an eyebrow in warning. “I said... don’t move.”

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