
(invincible GmMRaL7) #1

I guess it would make sense that Ryle didn’t call me all night, since
he knew what kind of shape my phone was in.
I start to open a text message when my phone begins ringing. It’s
She sighs heavily, and then, “Lily! What in the hell is going on? Oh
my God, you can’t do this to me, I’m pregnant!”
I start my car and set the phone to Bluetooth while I drive toward
the store. Allysa is off today. She’s only got a few days left before she
gets a jump start on her maternity leave.
“I’m okay,” I tell her. “Ryle is okay. We got into a fight. I’m sorry I
couldn’t call you, he broke my phone.”
She’s quiet for a moment, and then, “He did? Are you okay? Where
are you?”
“I’m fine. Heading to work now.”
“Good, I’m almost there myself.”
I start to protest, but she hangs up before I have the chance.
By the time I make it to the store, she’s already there.
I open the front door, ready to field questions and defend my
reasons for kicking her brother out of my apartment. But I stop short
when I see the two of them standing at the counter. Ryle is leaning
against it and Allysa has her hands on top of his, saying something to
him that I can’t hear.
They both turn to face me when they hear the door close behind
“Ryle,” Allysa whispers. “What did you do to her?” She walks around
the counter and pulls me in for a hug. “Oh, Lily,” she says, running
her hand down my back. She pulls back with tears in her eyes, and
her reaction confuses me. She obviously knows Ryle is responsible,
but if that’s the case, it seems she would be attacking him, or at least
She turns back to Ryle and he’s looking up at me apologetically.
Longingly. Like he wants to reach out and hug me, but he’s scared to
death to touch me. He should be.
“You need to tell her,” Allysa says to Ryle.
He instantly drops his head in his hands.

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