
(invincible GmMRaL7) #1

I shake my head, even though my body is starting to trade sides and
beg my mind to cave to him.
“I’m really good at it, Lily,” he says with a grin. “You’ll barely even
have to do any work.”
I try not to laugh, but his determination is as endearing as it is
annoying. “Goodnight, Ryle.”
His head drops between his shoulders and he shakes it back and
forth. He pushes off the door and stands up straight. He half-turns,
heading for the hallway, but then suddenly drops to his knees in front
of me. He wraps his arms around my waist. “Please, Lily,” he says
through self-deprecating laughter. “Please have sex with me.” He’s
looking up at me with puppy dog eyes and a pathetic, hopeful grin. “I
want you so, so bad and I swear, once you have sex with me you’ll
never hear from me again. I promise.”
There’s something about a neurosurgeon literally on his knees
begging for sex that does me in. That’s pretty pathetic.
“Get up,” I say, pushing his arms away from me. “You’re
embarrassing yourself.”
He slowly stands up, dragging his hands up the door on either side
of me until he has me caged in between his arms. “Is that a yes?” His
chest is barely touching mine and I hate how good it feels to be
wanted this much. I should be turned off by it, but I can hardly
breathe when I look at him. Especially when he has this suggestive
smile on his face.
“I don’t feel sexy right now, Ryle. I worked all day, I’m exhausted, I
smell like sweat and probably taste like dust. If you give me a little
while to shower first, I might feel sexy enough to have sex with you.”
He’s nodding feverishly before I’m even finished speaking.
“Shower. Take all the time you need. I’ll wait.”
I push him away from me and close the front door. He follows me
to the bedroom and I tell him to wait on the bed for me.
Luckily, I cleaned my bedroom last night. Normally I have clothes
lying around everywhere, books piled up on my nightstand, shoes and
bras that don’t quite make it to my closet. But tonight it’s clean. My
bed is even made up, complete with the ugly, quilted throw pillows my
grandmother passed down to every person in our family.

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