Torres Del Paine - Las Torres –
Campamento Seron
Torres Del Paine National Park was
exceptionally well organised. A 7h30 bus
ran to the park and a small minibus to Hotel
Las Torres, where the first day’s hike
started. Then, heaving the heavy packs, we
strolled off to our first campsite.
Our route came with lovely views of snowy
mountains and lakes. Unfortunately, our
first campsite was exposed to the elements,
and the wind blew as it could only blow in
Patagonia. Somehow, we managed to cook
but I was sure the tents would take off
during the night.
Torres Del Paine - Campamento Seron
– Refugio Dickson
My ankles were reasonably sore upon
waking, but I paid no attention to it as
minor aches and pains usually came with
the territory. In addition, I’d spent the best
of the previous four years on a bicycle and
hardly ever placed any weight on my feet
and ankles. Thus, I could expect them to be
slightly tender.