Roadside camp, Chile - Puente Del Inca, Argentina – 40 km
This was the day the route headed over the Andes to Argentina. The road zig-zagged
up the pass and, though the gradient was acceptable, it remained a steep and
dreadfully slow 22-kilometre climb from where we had spent the night. Roadworks
caused lengthy delays and provided a much-needed time to take a breather. Finally,
after huffing and puffing to the top, one could look down at the winding road coming
up the mountain and I could hardly believe I had made it up the pass. After reaching
the top and yet another ride by the authorities through a tunnel, 18 kilometres
remained to the customs office.
The border crossing was uneventful, and immigration staff simultaneously stamped
people out of Chile and into Argentina. From the immigration office, the path
descended past the small settlement of Las Cuevas with no more than a few timber
restaurants and a strong smell of lentil soup. Upon crossing the border, Ernest and I
reached the end of Patagonia and Chile. After my disastrous start in the Americas,
Chile was a welcome change and a relaxing and rewarding ride. To this day, I claim
Patagonia will never see me again. LOL.