San Luis – Picnic area (close to Villa Mercedes) – 85 km
It became an excellent day’s riding with the wind slight and the weather
overcast. Towards the end of the day, we weakened at the sight of a picnic area
along a river. People were swimming and barbecuing on the lawn under trees.
The staff had no problem with us pitching our tents. Smoke from asadas
(barbecues) hung thick in the air, and curious looks were cast as we entered.
The fun part was many came requesting to be photographed with us.
Even before unpacking, our neighbours presented us with a plate of barbequed
meat. Not wanting to be outdone, other neighbours came with even bigger
plates. True to Argentinean asadas, they didn’t bother much with salads or other
food, only a massive plate of meat. Even I tried a piece of meat, as I felt too
embarrassed to turn them down after they so generously shared their food.
Shortly afterwards, people started packing up, and soon we were the sole ones
left. It could’ve been that the spot was a day-picnic area or they saw the
weather come in.