Techlife News - 07.03.2020

(Martin Jones) #1

That’s why Apple, in the short term, must work
hard to build its TV+ brands into behemoths like
Game of Thrones and The Crown, or it could be
one of the first to fall. Alternatively, Apple might
decide to swallow one of its competitors, like
Netflix (JP Morgan has already encouraged
Apple to do so at the cost of $189 billion) or
Hulu, though this is less likely as Disney has a
majority stake in the streaming device.

In the meantime, consumers should bask in
the glory of the Golden Streaming Age. As new
streaming players enter the ring in 2020 and
competition heats up, we’ll likely see increased
prices, less choice, bizarre partnerships, and our
favorite content hopping from one platform to
another. Ultimately, it’ll lead to less choice and
higher bills. Siri, play the next episode...

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