Skeptic March 2020

(Wang) #1


10 SKEPTIC MAGAZINE volume 25 number 1 2020

Since mid-December, there
have been hundreds of reports
of drones with unusually long
wingspans flying in remote
parts of Colorado, Nebraska,
and Kansas, often in formation
with other drones. The sight-
ings have created such concern
that the FBI has launched a
Drone Task Force and is work-
ing with more than a dozen
state and federal agencies. The
flurry of mysterious drones
crisscrossing the skies over the
Midwest has attracted interna-
tional media interest and spawned numerous conspir-
acy theories. It’s the military. It’s the CIA. It’s a retired
aviation expert with too much time on his hands. And
of course, no explanation would be complete without
the usual suspects: the Russians, the Chinese, Arab
terrorists, and space aliens. But authorities are in-
creasing looking to a surprising explanation: hysteria.
As an expert on this topic, I can categorically con-
clude that whatever the trigger for these sightings
is, it is notmass hysteria. Commonly referred to in sci-
entific circles as mass psychogenic illness, this term
refers to the rapid spread of illness symptoms within
what is typically a close-knit group. I am unaware of a
single report involving people seeing drones and sud-
denly feeling unwell. Given the lack of concrete evi-
dence for drones and the identification of several
objects that were clearly not drones, there is a much
more likely explanation: what sociologists refer to as a
collective delusion. Unfortunately, there is a lot of
misinformation surrounding the term because of the
word “delusion,” which is commonly used by psychia-
trists and psychologists to describe people who are ex-

periencing psychosis and hav-
ing trouble telling the differ-
ence between fantasy and
reality. They may exhibit vi-
sual or audio hallucinations
or create complex stories that
have little basis in fact. How-
ever, when sociologists use
the term collective delusion,
they are usually referring to
incidents involving the spon-
taneous spread of false beliefs
within a given population.
If this were a horse race,
based on the evidence com-
piled thus far, Social Delusionwould be the clear
early favorite. There are many examples of collective
delusions in recent history. One famous episode oc-
curred in Ireland during the mid-1980s, when groups
of people began flocking to religious grottoes follow-
ing reports that statues were moving. The episode
began on February 14, 1985, when several school-
children thought they had witnessed a miracle. One
of the witnesses, 7-year-old Elizabeth Flynn, said: “I
saw Jesus moving. His hand moved and he called me.”
Other pupils said they could not only see the beckon-
ing hand, but the eyes were moving as well. This dra-
matic incident received sensational media coverage
and soon people began flocking to the church to con-
firm or deny the “miracle.” Before long thousands of
people were reporting that they too could see the stat-
ues moving. Many assumed it was a sign from God.
Over the next several months, thousands of people
began visiting churches across the region and staring
at the statues with the expectation that they might
“give them a sign.” Newspapers and media outlets
could not keep up with the deluge of reported

The Phantom Drone


The Recent Spate of Sightings in the Midwest have

Residents on Edge. One Explanation Can Be Ruled Out—

Mass Hysteria

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