Skeptic March 2020

(Wang) #1
UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says
(b171HB $28.00) Donald R. Prothero and Tim Callahan
Explores why demonstrably false beliefs—UFOs. Aliens. Strange crop circles— thrive despite decades of education
and scientific debunking. Employs the ground rules of science and the standards of scientific evidence and dis-
cusses a wide range of topics including the reliability of eyewitness testimony, psychological research into why peo-
ple want to believe in aliens and UFOs, and the role conspiratorial thinking plays in UFO culture. Callahan and
Prothero examine a variety of UFO sightings and describe the standards of evidence used to determine whether
UFOs are actual alien spacecraft. Finally, they consider our views of aliens and the strong cultural signals that pro-
vide the shapes and behaviors of these beings. While their approach is firmly based in science, the authors also
share their personal experiences of Area 51, Roswell, and other legendary sites, creating a narrative that is sure to
engross both skeptics and believers.

Daniel Loxton
Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be
by Daniel Loxton. (b136HB $18. 95) Ages 8–1 3. Winner of mul-
tiple awards. Easy to understand, spectacularly illustrated in-
troduction to the theory of evolution. How the evidence for
evolution was discovered, the basic mechanics of how it
works. Answers to common questions and misunderstandings
about evolution. Written with warmth and enthusiasm. Out-
standing science content.
Ankylosaur Attack (Tales of Prehistoric Life)by Daniel
Loxton. (b145HB $16. 95) Ages 4 and up. A mind-blowing feast
for the eye that uses photorealistic images along with an excit-
ing, natural history-inspired story. Pre-school children will enjoy
a story that features a young hero. A young ankylosaur (a plant-
eating, heavy-plated dinosaur) saves the day when a T. rex at-
tacks. A surefire hit with young dinosaur lovers.
Pterosaur Trouble (Tales of Prehistoric Life)
by Daniel Loxton. (b149HB $16. 95) Ages 4 and up. A dramatic
paleofiction tale inspired by real fossil discoveries. The mighty
pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus—perhaps the largest flying animal
ever to exist—finds himself on the menu for a pack of small
feathered Velociraptor-like dinosaurs. This photorealistic adven-
ture will delight and astonish.
Plesiosaur Peril(Tales of Prehistoric Life)
by Daniel Loxton. (b153HB $16. 95) Ages 4 and up. A group of
plesiosaurs, ocean-dwelling cousins of the dinosaurs, keeps
safe by swimming in a family pod. But when one baby plesiosaur
swims too far from its mother it attracts the attention of some-
thing large and very hungry and the struggle for survival is on.


Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptidsby
Daniel Loxton and Donald Prothero. (b150HB $29.95 hardback) An entertaining, educational, and definitive text
on cryptids, presenting the arguments both for and against their existence. Takes on Bigfoot; the Yeti, or Abom-
inable Snowman, and its cross-cultural incarnations; the Loch Ness monster; the evolution of the Great Sea
Serpent; and Mokele Mbembe, the Congo dinosaur. Analyses the psychology behind the persistent belief in
paranormal phenomena, and discusses the cryptozoology subculture.

Award Winners!

The God Delusionby Richard Dawkins.
(B113PB $15.95 paperback) Dawkins’ most
important book to date, his definitive state-
ment on the God question, the origins of moral-
ity & religion, the best arguments for and
against God’s existence, the dangers of reli-
gious extremism, and why science offers the
best hope for humanity.

A Devil’s Chaplinby Richard Dawkins.
(b122PB $14.paperback) Diverse topics exam-
ined through the lens of natural selection: educa-
tion, ape rights, jury trials, the vindication of
Darwinism; memes; religion, academic obscu-
rantism; Stephen Jay Gould; Douglas Adams;
pseudoscience; & his awe at the marvelous complexity of the
universe. Written with clarity & passion.

The Selfish Gene
by Richard Dawkins. (b123PB $15.95 paperback)
Changed the nature of the study of social biology.
This brilliant reformulation of the theory of
natural selection explains how the selfish gene
revolves around savage competition and ex-
ploitation—yet acts of apparent altruism do exist in nature.

Dawkins. (b121PB $16.95. paperback) The Mount
Improbable metaphor symbolizes the improbability
that seemingly perfectly designed living things
evolved. In a breathtaking journey through the
mountain’s passes and up its many peaks, Dawkins
shows how the improbable path to perfection merely takes time.

The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evi-
dence of Evolution Reveals a Universe
Without Designby Richard Dawkins. (b087PB
$15.95 paperback) Perhaps the most influential
work on evolution written in this century. Natu-
ral selection—the unconscious, automatic,
blind, yet essentially nonrandom process—has no purpose in
mind. If it can be said to play the role of watchmaker in nature, it
is the blind watchmaker. Engaging and accessible.
The Ancestor’s Taleby Richard Dawkins.
(b092PB $16.95 paperback) A masterwork: an
exhilarating reverse tour through evolution, from
present-day humans back to the microbial be-
ginnings of life. Entertaining, insightful stories.
Sheds light on topics such as speciation, sexual
selection, and extinction. An essential education in evolution-
ary theory and a riveting read.

Richard Dawkins

Daniel C. Dennett

The Greatest Show on Earthby
Richard Dawkins. (b143PB $16.99 paperback) A
fierce counterattack against Intelligent Design.
Rich layers of scientific evidence: living examples
of natural selection; fossils; natural clocks; de-
veloping embryos; plate tectonics; molecular ge-
netics—all make an airtight case for evolution
by non-random selection. A master vision of life’s splendor.

Award Winner!

A Classic!

An Appetite for Wonder:
The Making of a Scientist
by Richard Dawkins. Cat.No.b167PB. ($15.99
paperback) A memoir covering material from
Dawkins’ childhood in colonial East Africa
through the publication of his world-changing
bestselling book The Selfish Gene. Told with
frankness and eloquence, warmth and humor. An entertaining
and enlightening read.

The Magic of Reality:
How We Know What’s Really
True by Richard Dawkins
For years people have wanted the renowned
evolutionary biologist to write a book for kids
on evolution. He has done that—and much
more—with this highly engaging and well-il-
lustrated work that will also enlighten adults who read it.
Filled with clever thought experiments and jaw-dropping
facts, The Magic of Reality explains a stunningly wide range
of natural phenomena. This is a page-turning detective
story that not only mines all the sciences for its
clues but primes the reader to think like a scien-
tist as well. Cat. No. b166PB ($16. paperback)

Breaking the Spell:
Religion as a Natural
Phenomenonby Daniel C. Dennett.
In this definitive work on religion by
one of the “Four Horsemen” and world-
famous philosopher Daniel Dennett asks
“Is religion a product of blind evolution-
ary instinct or rational choice?” “Is it truly the best way
to live a moral life?” Ranging through biology,
history, and psychology, Dennett charts reli-
gion’s evolution from “wild” folk belief to
“domesticated” dogma.
Cat.No.b154PB. ($18. paperback)

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea:
Evolution and the Meanings of
Lifeby Daniel C. Dennett. Both groundbreak-
ing and accessible. Focuses unerring logic on
the theory of natural selection, showing how
Darwin’s great idea transforms and illuminates
our traditional view of humanity's place in the
universe. Dennett vividly describes the theory
itself and then extends Darwin's vision with impeccable
arguments to their often surprising conclusions,
challenging the views of some of the most famous
scientists of our day, including Stephen Jay Gould.
Cat.No.b155PB. ($18. paperback)


Do You Believe in Magic? Vitamins,Supplements, and
All Things Naturalby Paul A.Offit, M.D.Medical expert
Offit offers a scathing exposé of the alternative medicine in-
dustry, revealing how even though some popular therapies are
remarkably helpful due to the placebo response, many of
them are ineffective, expensive, and even deadly. He con-
cludes: “There’s no such thing as alternative medicine.
There’s only medicine that works and medicine that doesn’t.”
Cat. No. b156PB ($15.99 paperback)

Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creationby Bill Nye.Sparked by
his 2014 debate with Creation Museum curator Ken Ham, Bill Nye expands the points he
made about creationism and points out that this debate is not so much about religion v. sci-
ence as about the nature of science itself. With infectious enthusiasm, he reveals the me-
chanics of evolutionary theory, and explains how it is rooted in the testable and verifiable
scientific method. He argues passionately that to continue to assert otherwise, to continue
to insist that creationism has a place in the science classroom is harmful not only to our
children, but to the future of the greater world as misguided—and potentially dan-
gerous. Cat. No. b163HB ($25.99 HB)

Test Your Science IQ
by Charles Cazeau (b073PB $20.00, 368
pages. paperback. 12 to adult) Hun-
dreds of addictive questions & answers
covering both science & pseudoscience.
Clear, well written, yet sophisticated
enough for
adults. Very
strong on
why science
is important.
A book you
will enjoy ex-
with your
child. Fasci-
nating and

Maybe Yes,
Maybe No
by Dan Barker (b071PB
$16.00, 128 pages.
paperback.7-10 years)
Adventures of Andrea,
a skeptic. Cartoon
strip style. How to check out extraordi-
nary claims. Simple straightforward
text. How to listen and ask questions;
how to seek a simple explanation; what
tools and rules a scientist uses to
check things out.

The Magic
Written and illustrated
by Joe Nickell (b070PB
$15. 115 pages. Pa-
perback. 9 to 14 yrs)
30 mysteries—en-
courages readers to think for them-
selves before the solution is offered.
Historical ghost incidents, Lock Ness,
UFO aliens, Mummy’s Curse, Holy
Shroud, and more.

Secrets of Mental Math: The
Mathemagician’s GuidetoLight-
ningCalculationand Amazing
Math Tricks(12 to adult.) (b112PB
$12.95) By Arthur Benjamin & Michael
Shermer. Renowned “mathemagician”
Benjamin shares his secrets for light-
calculations &
amazing num-
ber tricks.
Learn to do
math in your
head faster
than you ever
thought possi-
ble & make
math fun.

From Outer
by Tim Yule. (Ages 10-
15) (b072PB $15.)
Chatty cheerful style.
Covers Astrology, big-
foot, ESP, the Bermuda
triangle, corp circles, Loch Ness Monster,
Vampires, and UFOs and aliens. Glossary,
bibliography. “Try This” sections encourage
critical thinking skills.
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