The Economist UK - 22.02.2020

(Nandana) #1

22 Britain The EconomistFebruary 22nd 2020


ritain needs more ballerinas, bio-
chemists and welders—but only “high
integrity pipe welders” with at least three
years’ experience. These are among the oc-
cupations which appear on the official
“shortage occupation list” (sol), which is
central to the government’s planned new
immigration rules.
The new system will treat migrants
equally, regardless of where they hail from.
Europeans will no longer benefit from free-
dom of movement, but the bar to entry
from the rest of the world will fall: prospec-
tive migrants will require the equivalent of
a-levels, not degrees. The government
claims it will let in more talented folks
while reducing total numbers.
The plan was billed as a “points-based
system”, but it is not as flexible as that im-
plies. Most migrants will need to speak
English and have a job offer with a prospec-
tive salary of more than £25,600 ($33,245).
Exceptions to the threshold will only be
made for brainiacs with phds and those
with jobs on the sol. English-speaking bal-
lerinas with a doctorate are in luck.
Firms have welcomed the removal of a

cap on migrant numbers, the opening up of
routes for skilled workers and the lowering
of the £30,000 salary threshold initially
mooted. But they fret about shortages in
some industries. The unemployment rate
is just 3.8% and there are more than
800,000 unfilled job vacancies in Britain.
Firms worry about cutting off the flow of
lower-skilled European migrants at a time
of what looks like full employment.
A recent report by The ukin a Changing
Europe, a think-tank, estimated that the
combination of nixing freedom of move-
ment and adopting a relatively liberal
scheme for skilled workers would cut over-
all net migration by only around 35,000,
from the current 212,000. Work by the gov-
ernment’s own Migration Advisory Com-
mittee (mac) found that the new rules
would slightly reduce overall gdp but mar-
ginally increase gdpper head. Fewer un-
skilled workers might put some upward
pressure on wages but the minimum wage,
which is now the seventh highest out of the
27 members of the oecdthat have mini-
mum wages, has more effect.
Those who employ a lot of low-paid eu

workers are troubled. The ippr, a think-
tank, reckons that 66% of the current eu
workers in health and social care and 85%
in hotels and hospitality would be ineligi-
ble for visas under the new system. The
government hopes to encourage British
people back into the labour market to meet
the need. Priti Patel, the home secretary, ar-
gues that “we have over 8.45m people in the
ukaged between 16 and 64 who are eco-
nomically inactive”. But most of them are
studying, retired, sick or looking after fam-
ily. Only 1.9m say they want a job.
Britain’s farmers are concerned for next
year’s harvest. Although the government
announced that this year’s seasonal worker
scheme will be expanded from 2,500 to
10,000 places, no commitment has been
given for 2021. Picking soft fruits such as
strawberries is tricky to automate.
But the impact of the changes will
spread beyond low-skilled, low-productiv-
ity sectors. Manufacturing bosses in the
north and the Midlands, where skilled
technicians often earn below the £25,600
threshold, worry that the new rules will
make it easier for firms in the south-east,
where technicians tend to earn over the
threshold, to expand. That is hardly what a
government committed to “levelling up”
wants to see. Businesses also worry about
the costs of becoming registered as em-
ployment-sponsors, which firms that only
employ euworkers are not currently re-
quired to do.
Under the new system an a-level quali-
fied entrant with good English and job offer
at £21,000 would score only 50 points, but
if their role was on the solthey would hit
the required 70. So many businesses are
now likely to start lobbying the macto get
themselves covered. A liberalising mea-
sure risks generating more bureaucracy. 7

The post-Brexit immigration rules worry business

Immigration policy

Points mean prizes

Points-based worker

Battle of the blobs
EU27 trade agreements

Share of total EU27 trade with third countries*, 2018
Inverted scale, %

Source: Eurostat *Imports and exports of goods †Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay



S. Korea









← Closest neighbours Approximate distance from EU27, ’000 km Most distant partners →


↑Least trade integrated

↓ Most trade integrated

Circle size=trade volume*
with EU27, €, 2018


Canada Singapore

Brexit negotiations are all about Canada at the moment. The government says it wants
the kind of free-trade agreement that the euhas with Canada, and accuses the European
Commission of changing its terms by suddenly demanding a level playing-field of rules
on state subsidies and social, environmental, labour and other regulations to prevent
unfair competition—conditions not required of Canada. The commission retorts that
Boris Johnson accepted “robust commitments to ensure a level playing-field” in the
political declaration attached to the Brexit withdrawal agreement. It also tweeted a
slide showing just why Britain is not like Canada: the bigger the trade flows and the
shorter the distance, the more substantial the risk of being undercut by looser rules.

Why Britain isn’t Canada
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