20. Count Numbers in a String
Suppose you have a string "abc123def43cd" and you want to count numbers in this.
If your string is in A1, use following formula -
21. Count only Alphabets in a String
Suppose you have a string "Ab?gh123def%h*" and you want to count only Aphabets.
Suppose your string is in A1, put following formula for this.
22. Most Frequently Occurring Value in a Range
Assuming, your range is A1:A10, enter the below formula as Array Formula i.e. not by
pressing ENTER after entering your formula but by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. This will
put { } brackets around the formula which you can see in Formula Bar. If you edit again, you
will have to do CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER again. Don't put { } manually.
The non-Array version of above formula
23. COUNTIF on Filtered List
You can use SUBTOTAL to perform COUNT on a filtered list but COUNTIF can not be done
on a filtered list. Below formula can be used to perform COUNTIF on a filtered list