Excel formulas








46. Remove numbers from string.................................................................................................................

To remove numbers from a string (for example Vij1aY A. V4er7ma8 contains numbers
which are not required), we can use nested SUBSTITUTE function to remove numbers. Use
below formula assuming string is in A1 cell -


Note - Since this formula is in multiple lines, hence you will have to copy this in Formula
Bar. If you copy this formula in a cell, it will copy this in three rows.

47. Roman Representation of Numbers

Use ROMAN function.

Hence ROMAN(56) will give LVI.

ROMAN works only for numbers 1 to 3999.

48. Sum Bottom N Values in a Range

Suppose you have numbers in range A1:A100 and you want to sum up bottom N values


In case, you want to ignore 0 values (and blanks)


Both the above formulas will function only if there are at least N values as per ROW(1:N).
Hence, for above formulas, it would work only if there are at least 10 numbers in A1 to

To overcome this limitation -

Enter the below formulas as Array Formula

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