The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
180 A savior has been born
to you; He is the Messiah
The Birth of Jesus

186 They ... presented Him
with gifts of gold,
frankincense, and myrrh
The Magi

187 He gave orders to kill all
the boys in Bethlehem
Herod’s I nfa nticide

188 Didn’t you know I
had to be in my
Father’s house?
A Child in the Temple

189 Prepare the way
for the Lord
The Coming of Salvation

190 The Word became flesh
and made His dwelling
among us
The Divinity of Jesus

194 This is my Son, whom
I love; with Him I am
well pleased
The Baptism of Jesus

198 Jesus said to him,
“Away from me, Satan!”
The Temptations of Christ

200 “Follow me,” Jesus
said, “... I will send you
out to fish for people”
The Calling of the Disciples

204 Love your enemies,
and pray for those
who persecute you
Sermon on the Mount

210 Do to others as you
would have them
do to you
The Golden Rule

212 This, then, is how
you should pray
The Lord’s Prayer

214 Whoever has ears,
let them hear
Parables of Jesus

216 When he saw him,
he took pity on him
The Good Samaritan

218 This brother of yours
was dead ... he was
lost and is found
The Prodigal Son

222 From whom do the
kings of the earth
collect duty and taxes?
The Temple Tax

223 So the last will be first,
and the first will be last
Workers in the Vineyard

224 My name is Legion,
for we are many
Demons and the
Herd of Pigs

226 The man who had
died came out
The Raising of Lazarus


228 And taking the five
loaves, and the two fish,
he looked up to heaven
Feeding the 5,

232 Take courage! It is I.
Don’t be afraid
Jesus Walks on Water

234 His face shone like the
sun, and His clothes
became as white as light
The Transfiguration

236 For God so loved the
world, that He gave His
one and only Son
The Nature of Faith

242 For the Son of Man came
to seek and to save the lost
Jesus Embraces a
Tax Collector

244 He scattered the coins of
the money changers and
overturned their tables
Cleansing the Temple

246 She has done a beautiful
thing to me
Jesus Anointed at Bethany

248 This is my body, which
is given for you
The Last Supper

254 The hour has come, and
The Son of Man is delivered
into the hands of sinners
Betrayal in the Garden

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