The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1







lijah’s impressive exit
from this world stands
as testament to his
importance as a prophet and
faithful servant of God. Both he
and his disciple Elisha know in
advance that God will take him
to heaven and are able to prepare.
Devoted to Elijah to the end,
Elisha refuses three times to leave
his master in his last moments.
Elijah uses his cloak to part the
waters of the Jordan River before
asking whether there is any last
request he can grant his disciple.
The only thing Elisha asks of his

master is “a double portion of your
spirit” (2 Kings 2:9), a phrasing that
references Israel’s inheritance laws.
Although land was shared out
between a man’s sons when he
died, the eldest would receive a
larger share—two portions of land.
By asking for this, Elisha wishes
to confirm himself as Elijah’s
spiritual heir and successor.

The prophet ascends
Elijah’s ascension to heaven occurs
quite suddenly as the two men
walk together. He is swept away
dramatically in a whirlwind, as a


2 Kings 2

The ascension of a prophet

Around 850 bce
Banks of the Jordan River.

Elijah A prophet who urges
the people of Israel to abandon
their worship of Baal and
return to the worship of
the true God.

Elisha A faithful servant
of Elijah and the prophet
chosen by God to be Elijah’s
successor. Over the course of
60 years, he builds on Elijah’s
work by teaching the
Israelites the ways of God.


Little is known about Elijah’s
life before his sudden
appearance as a prophet about
halfway through the reign of
Ahab, the son of Omri. This
would put Elijah’s emergence
as a prophet at around 864 bce.
Mostly, Elijah’s activities are
confined to the northern
kingdom, although he is forced
to take refuge elsewhere when
fleeing from Ahab’s wrath.
Throughout his relatively brief
career, Elijah has one main
purpose: This is to turn the

Israelites back to the worship
of the one true God and away
from the worship of Baal and
other pagan deities.
In the conflict with Baal’s
priests, Elijah aims to show
the supremacy of monotheism
over pagan polytheism. A man
of firm and unflinching faith,
Elijah constantly teaches that
there is no god except the
God of Israel, a statement
backed up by the translation
of His name, which means
“My God is Jehovah.”

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A fiery chariot carries Elijah to
heaven in this 16th-century Russian
icon. Although the Bible mentions
horses of fire, the presence of angels,
seen here, is not explicitly stated.

See also: A Prophet in Hiding 124 ■ Elijah and the Prophets of Baal 125


burning chariot divides him from
Elisha. Indeed, it is more of a
disappearance than a death, and
he later returns to Earth, along
with the prophet Moses (see
pp. 234–35). The chariot of fire
Elisha sees has connotations with
God’s heavenly host of angels,
which further suggests that Elijah
does not simply die, but joins the
ranks of God’s faithful in heaven.
When Elijah disappears, Elisha
cries out and rips his garments in
two, an action that is often a
response to calamity in the Bible.
He picks up Elijah’s cloak and
strikes the Jordan River with it.
The waters part, just as they did for
Elijah, and Elisha crosses the river
on dry land. Prophets from Jericho
witness the miracle and proclaim
that “the spirit of Elijah is resting
on Elisha” (2:15). They hail Elisha as
Elijah’s chosen successor.

Two contrasting leaders
Elijah and Elisha are both chosen
by God, who empowers them
to carry out miraculous deeds.
Yet, their backgrounds could not

be more different. Elijah was born
and raised in rural Gilead beyond
the Jordan River, probably in a poor
family, whereas Elisha is the son of
a wealthy Israelite landowner.
While there is no doubting that
Elijah has the harder task of the
two in rekindling the Israelites’
faith in God and turning them
away from the god Baal, Elisha

competently carries on his legacy,
counseling the rulers of the time
and continuing to produce many
more miracles in service to God. ■

Suddenly a chariot of
fire and horses of fire
appeared and separated
the two of them, and
Elijah went up to heaven
in a whirlwind.
2 Kings 2:11

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