The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
The Bible has been
the Magna Carta of the
poor and oppressed.
The human race is not
in a position to
dispense with it.
Thomas Huxley

spoke of Christ. Many tools used
by these scholars are still popular
today. They included examinations
of grammar and analysis of word
choice, such as the links between
the words “Passover” and “passion.”
Some, such as Clement (c.150–
CE) and Augustine (354–430 CE),
adapted pagan philosophy to aid
their reading of scripture.
Christian scholars tended to see
difficulties and differences within
scripture as fruitful sources of
knowledge for those with enough
faith to ponder them deeply. In
the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE, such
scholars struggled to understand
how there could be only one God,

while the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit are each fully God, yet also
distinct. The 200-year debate,
which took account of the full range
of biblical statements on these
points, without undercutting any,
eventually led to the Christian
doctrine of the Trinity.

Modern perspectives
Modern-day biblical scholars utilize
many of the same tools as their
ancient counterparts, analyzing, for
example, the range of meaning in
agape (love) across the Bible and
contemporary Greek literature.
Some scholars affirm the ancient
Christian conclusions about
scripture, while others operate with
a skeptical mindset and rely on
external confirmation—physical
evidence or historical records—
before accepting biblical accounts
of events. For example, some
scholars rejected the biblical
account of David as the founder
of a royal dynasty until the
discovery of the Tel Dan stele in
northern Israel in 1993–1994. This
battle monument, raised about
200 years after David would have
lived, tells of an Aramean king
celebrating a victory over “the
house of David.” In cases such
as this, some Christian scholars,
through their employment of

skepticism and the scientific
method, use historical evidence to
inform their theology, and in order
to develop conclusions as to the
legitimacy of biblical scripture.
Those who possess a naturalistic
worldview (insisting that things
are the result of natural causes)
generally reject claims of divine
intervention in history. As a result,
skeptical modern scholarship
often employs an archaeological
approach to the Bible, in which
perceived errors must first be
sorted through in order to expose
underlying truths.

Lay study
Study of the Bible is not the sole
domain of scholars and clerics,
but their work can enlighten the
understanding of the average
reader. Today, a number of readable
Bible translations place the sacred
books of Judaism and Christianity
into the hands of any interested
reader. While certain books are
more difficult to read than others,
and history and the Gospels are
more engaging than the lineages
and law codes, those who
read carefully can find wisdom,
inspiration, and hope in its pages.
The Bible Book is intended to help
readers to understand more of this
most significant of books. ■


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