The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1


The Way to Calvary, by Marco
Palmezzano (c.1460–1539) shows
Jesus carrying His cross. Victims of
crucifixion were required to carry their
own cross to the place of execution.

He stumbles under the weight,
prompting the soldiers who are
escorting Him to haul out of the
crowd an unsuspecting pilgrim
called Simon to help Jesus carry
the cross. While many look on,
jeering and shouting, others follow,
including women, who weep and
wail. The mournful procession
makes its way out to the hill.

Three crosses
Along with Jesus, two criminals
are brought to be crucified. When
they arrive, the soldiers set to
work, nailing Jesus to the wooden
crossbeams by His wrists and to
the wooden upright through His
ankles, fulfilling a prophecy in
Zechariah 12:10: “They will look
on me, the one they have pierced.”
The three crosses are then hoisted
into position, with Jesus in the
center. The charge against Jesus
is nailed to the cross: “This is the
King of the Jews” (Matthew 27:37
and Luke 23:38). The chief priests
protest against the sign, saying it
implied that Pilate thought Jesus
was a king. It should say, they
said, “this man claimed to be the
King of the Jews” (John 19:21).
By retaining his description of
Jesus, Pilate implies that those
who demanded His death are the
ones truly guilty of treason.

Twelve hours after His arrest, Jesus
looks down upon the crowd, who are
mocking Him and baying for His
blood. “Father, forgive them, for they
do not know what they are doing,”
He says (Luke 23:34). Taking no
notice, the soldiers gamble for the
clothes of the crucified men, again
fulfilling a prophecy in Psalm 22:
“They divide my clothes among
them and cast lots for my garment.”
A crowd gathers to watch, and
the Jewish authorities begin to
hurl insults at Jesus: “He saved
others; let Him save Himself if
He God’s Messiah, the Chosen
One” (Luke 23:35).

Darkest hours
At midday, the sky grows dark,
the sun blotted out of sight. In the
darkness, Jesus calls to the few
followers who have remained with
Him to the end: a small huddle of
women and His disciple John.


Speaking to His mother Mary,
Jesus says “Dear woman, here is
your son,” indicating John. And in
turn, He says to John, “Here is your
mother.” Even in His own pain,
Jesus makes arrangements for John
to care for His grief-stricken mother.
The darkness lasts for three
hours, until the ninth hour of the
Jewish day, around 3 pm. As the ❯❯

Michele da Verona’s Crucifixion
(c.1501) combines several scenes from
the event, including the centurion’s
conversion and the proffering of a
sponge soaked in vinegar.

“Come down from the
cross, if you are
the Son of God!”
Matthew 27:40

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