The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
See also: The Nature of Faith 236–41 ■ The Crucifixion 258–65 ■ The Road to Emmaus 272–73 ■
The Power of the Resurrection 304–05 ■ The Final Judgment 316–21


The Armor of God

According to Ephesians, the
conflict with Satan is a spiritual one.
Thus, one requires a full complement
of spiritual weapons to use against
him and other evils.

Sword of
the Spirit

Feet fitted with
peace (6:15)

Belt of truth

Helmet of

Breastplate of

of faith

Ephesus Standing on the Aegean coast^
of Asia Minor (roughly modern
Turkey), Ephesus was an
intellectual and cultural hub of
up to 250,000 people and capital
of the Roman province of Asia.
The city was also an important
religious center renowned for
magical practices, mystery cults,
and, above all, the worship of
Artemis, Greek goddess of woods
and hunting and the most
venerated deity of Asia Minor.
Her temple at Ephesus was one
of the seven wonders of the
ancient world and the largest
Greek temple ever built.

According to the Book of Acts,
Paul visited Ephesus twice.
He most likely founded the
community of Christian
believers there on a brief visit
during his second missionary
journey. Later, during his third
mission, Paul spent more than
two years in the city before
he and his companions were
forced to leave—their ministry
success triggered a riot among
silversmiths, who saw them
as a threat to their livelihood,
which depended on making
devotional offerings to the
goddess Artemis.

of God and the authority of the risen
Christ seated “at His right hand in
the heavenly realms, far above all
rule and authority, power, and
dominion” (Ephesians 1:20–21).

Standing firm
Just as God’s power has raised
Christ from the dead, so it has also
raised believers from their pagan
practices. Even so, Ephesians says,
the world and believers are in an
interim state. There is a fullness
yet to come—a further, definitive
stage in history “when the times
reach their fulfillment” and unity
will be brought to “all things in
heaven and on earth under Christ”
(Ephesians 1:10).
Until this happens, believers
are still vulnerable to the ever-
active forces of spiritual evil. For
this reason, they need to “be strong
in the Lord” (6:10), emphasizing
their complete reliance on God
when cultivating courage. Believers
are instructed to put on the “full
armor” of God and stand firm—
a command that is repeated in
Ephesians three times.

The full armor of God is stated
as including truthfulness,
righteousness, salvation, peace,
and faith. Ultimately, Ephesians
is about resisting the assaults of
temptation—originating in both
the individual’s sinful nature and the
spiritual forces of evil—and living
one’s daily life in a truly Christian
way by being moral, honorable,
and loving. ■

Stand firm then,
with the belt of truth
buckled around your waist,
with the breastplate of
righteousness in place,
and with your feet
fitted with ... peace.
Ephesians 6:14–15

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