The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1



he Greek word used in
the book of Revelation for
judgment originally meant
“to sift,” and from there it came to
mean choosing right from wrong. It
essentially means that each human
life will be examined according to
God’s standards and sorted into
what is acceptable and what is not.
However, unlike today’s conception
of judgment, which calls for justice
here and now, in the first century ce
people believed in an impending
judgment. For many in the Greek
and Roman worlds, this was at the
end of their earthly life, at the point
of death. Christians, however,
building on Jewish beliefs, looked
toward a future, Final Judgment
in which all people of all places
and times would need to give an
account of their lives before God.
In the Old Testament, this
future judgment is called “the Day
of the Lord.” In one of the prophet
Daniel’s visions, he sees a picture
of God’s throne room, where God
sits ready to judge the world. Many
beasts try to establish their rule
over the world, but then, at the


The Whore of Babylon is introduced
in Revelation 17 riding a beast with
seven heads. An angel tells John that
the heads represent the sinners Christ
will defeat in the battle at Armageddon.

climax of the vision, Daniel sees
“one like a Son of Man”—a clear
reference to the name Jesus takes
throughout His ministry—approach
God’s throne. God then gives Jesus
the authority and power to bring the
Final Judgment to the world.

Royal return
At Jesus’s ascension, the Apostles
were told that “this same Jesus ...
will come back in the same way
you have seen him go into heaven”
(Acts 1:11), which is thought to
mean that Jesus will return bodily
on earth one day. The image of a
king arriving to bring judgment
was familiar in the Roman world,
where an emperor occasionally
visited key cities to hold court—
he would punish his enemies and
reward his friends. The Greek word
for this is parousia, which means
“coming,” and early Christians
understood Jesus’s return as the
coming of God’s appointed king.
Jesus says that the criteria for
the Final Judgment will henceforth
be whether people trust Him as


Revelation 1:1–20:15

Justice for all

God’s heavenly throne
room. An unspecified
future time.

Jesus The key figure in the
Final Judgment, described
alternately as “the Son of
Man,” “the lamb on the throne,”
and “the First and the Last.”

All humanity All people,
who ever lived, from all
nations and all times.

John the Seer The author
of Revelation, who sees the
events described in a vision.

Therefore keep watch,
because you do not
know on what day
your Lord will come.
Matthew 24:42

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a savior: “If anyone is ashamed
of me and my words ... the Son of
Man will be ashamed of him when
He comes in His Father’s glory with
the holy angels” (Mark 8:38).
Many of Jesus’s parables speak
about a coming Final Judgment.
He explains in one parable that the
weeds will be burned by fire, while
the good crop will be harvested
into God’s barn. Whereas the crops
and the weeds grow side by side
in the present, one day each will

become distinct when Jesus
makes His judgment (Matthew
13:24–30). In another parable, Jesus
speaks of His role in the coming
Final Judgment as being like that
of a shepherd separating sheep
from goats (Matthew 25:31–46).

Signs and symbols
John’s visions, recounted in the
book of Revelation, paint a dramatic
picture of the Final Judgment. They
begin in the throne room of heaven,
where all the heavenly creatures are
preparing for the scroll containing
God’s final order for the world to
be opened. At first, the creatures
cannot find anyone who is worthy
to open the seven seals that keep
the scroll rolled. Then, however,
John sees a lamb that looks like it
has been sacrificed, standing alive
on the throne: a clear reference to
Jesus. As this lamb takes the scroll,
all of heaven sings with joy, “You
are worthy to take the scroll and to
open its seals” (Revelation 5:9).
Out of the first four seals ride
the “horsemen of the apocalypse,”
one of Revelation’s most enduring ❯❯

See also: The Prophet Ezekiel 162–63 ■ Daniel in Babylon 164–65 ■
Call for Repentance 172 ■ The New Jerusalem 322–29


Beliefs matching John’s visions in Revelation


A day of judgment

Christianity Islam

Resurrection of the dead

Separation of the righteous
and the wicked

Book of Life

Book of Deeds

New Jerusalem
John the Seer

The author of Revelation
identifies himself as Jesus’s
“servant John” (Revelation
1:1). Since the second century,
it has been suggested that
this John is the same as
Jesus’s disciple John, brother
of James and author of the
Gospel and three epistles that
bear his name. However, even
from the third century ce,
Bible scholars have argued
that there is such a difference
in style between Revelation
and the other writings that it
is unlikely they could have
come from the same author.
Whoever he was, this
“servant John” wrote down
his visions toward the end
of the first century ce while
on the island of Patmos, off the
coast of present-day Turkey.
John writes that he is on the
island “because of the word
of God and the testimony of
Jesus”; scholars therefore
believe that he was living in
exile, and see this as further
proof that authorities were
already starting to persecute
Christians as troublemakers.

He will judge the world ...
by the man He has
appointed. He has given
proof ... by raising
[Jesus] from the dead.
Acts 17:31

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