The Bible Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
154 Surely he took up our
infirmities and carried
our sorrows
The Suffering Servant

156 Before I formed you in
the womb I knew you
The Prophet Jeremiah

160 My heart is poured
out on the ground
Lament for the Exiles

162 I will remove ... your
heart of stone and give
you a heart of flesh
The Prophet Ezekiel

164 My God sent His angel,
and He shut the mouths
of the lions
Daniel in Babylon

166 Jonah was in the belly
of the fish three days
and three nights
The Disobedient Prophet

168 And what does the
Lord require of you?
The Prophet Micah

172 The remnant of Israel
will trust in the name
of the Lord
Call for Repentance

173 Surely the day is
coming; it will burn
like a furnace
The Day of Judgment


178 And behold, you will
conceive in your womb
and bear a son
The Annunciation


98 None went out, and
none came in
The Fall of Jericho

100 Has not the Lord gone
ahead of you?
Gideon and the Judges

104 The spirit of the Lord
came upon him

108 Your people shall be
my people and your
God my God
Ruth and Naomi

110 Speak, for your
servant is listening
The Prophet Samuel

116 There was no sword
in the hand of David
David and Goliath

118 The man who did
this must die
David and Bathsheba

120 Cut the living child in
two, and give half to one
and half to the other
The Wisdom of Solomon

124 I have directed the
ravens to feed you there
A Prophet in Hiding

125 Go and present yourself
to Ahab, and I will send
rain on the land
Elijah and the Prophets
of Baal

126 Let me inherit a double
portion of your spirit
The Chariot of Fire

128 So Judah went into
captivity, away from
her land
The Fall of Jerusalem

132 I will go to the king ...
if I perish, I perish
Queen Esther

133 Hear us, our God, for
we are despised
Rebuilding Jerusalem



138 The Lord is my shepherd,
I lack nothing
The Psalms

144 From everlasting to
everlasting you are God
The Nature of God

146 Have you considered
my servant Job? There
is no one on Earth
like him
The Suffering of Job

148 Blessed is the one who
trusts in the Lord

152 I am my beloved’s ...
my beloved is mine
Song of Songs

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