The Mythology Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
Page numbers in bold refer to main entries;
those in italics refer to captions.


Aboriginal (Australian) mythology 13, 300,
Abydos 279
Achates 111
Achilles 62–63
Adamanthea 27
Adonis 88 , 88–89
Aeëtes 84
Aegeus 76, 77
Aegisthus 64, 65, 65
Aeneas 94, 95, 96 –101, 98, 100, 102,
110 –11, 111, 116
Aeneid (Virgil) 13, 94, 95, 98–101
Aeolus 71, 99
Aeschylus 16, 65 , 85
Aesir 140–141, 148, 154, 156, 157
Elysian Fields 49
Field of Reeds 264, 283
Valhalla 133, 139
see also Underworld
Agamemnon 62, 63, 64–65
Ahriman 181, 198 , 198–99
Ahura Mazda 181, 198–99, 199
Ailill 166
Aillen 169
Aino 162
Akaotu 321, 322
Akitu festival 12, 189
Alba Longa 101, 102–103, 104
Alcmene 45–46, 72, 73, 73
Alecto 101
Álfheim 136, 137
Almudj 305
Aluluei 301, 332–33
Amaterasu 181, 221, 222–25, 224
Amazons 75
Ame-no-tajikarao 224
Ame-no-uzume 224
American mythologies 232–61
Amma 290, 292, 293
Ammut 283, 283
Amphitryon 46, 72, 73
Amulius 102–03, 104
Amun 271, 275
Amun-Ra 275

Ananse 55, 147, 265, 286–87
Anchises 98, 98 , 99, 100
Andromeda 83
Andvari 158
Antiope 46
Anu 184, 192, 194
Anubis 269, 279–80, 280 , 282
Anuna 186
Aphrodite 22, 22, 29, 29, 31, 35, 40, 57, 61, 62,
63, 88 , 88–89, 120
Apollo 30, 31, 34, 35, 47, 55, 58–61, 61 , 98–99,
107, 110, 111, 112–13
Apophis 272 , 273
apples of the Hesperides 39, 75
Apsu 188, 189
Arachne 94, 115
Aramemb 312–313, 315
Archaic Triad 107
Ares 29, 30, 31, 57
Argonauts 73, 84, 85
Argus 46–47
Ariadne 76–77
Arianrhod 170
Arjuna 203, 203
Artemis 30, 47, 59, 64, 74
Arthur, King 13, 31, 129, 172–77
Asante people 286
Ascanius 98, 100, 101, 102
Asclepius 59
Asgard 133, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 155
Asian mythology 178–231
Ask 133
Astarte 12
Asteria 47
Atalanta 117
Aten 264, 275
Athena 30, 30 , 31, 40, 44 , 47, 47 , 56, 57, 57 , 68,
71, 74, 77, 79, 82, 84, 94, 171, 171
Athens 16, 33, 47, 56 , 56–57, 80, 91
Atlantis 91
Atlas 37, 37 , 54, 55, 75, 269
Attis 116 , 117
atua 330–31
Atua Fafine 329
Atua i Raropuka 329
Atum 268–69, 270, 271, 273
Atum-Ra 269
Audhumla 131, 131
Augean stables 74
Augustus, Emperor of Rome 98, 100, 111,
117, 123
Austri 132
avatars 181, 206, 207
Avesta 199
Aztec Empire 250
Aztec mythology 234–35, 250–55


Babalawo 296, 296
Babylonian mythology 12, 180, 181, 188–89
Bacchus 94
Baiga people 13, 212–213
Baldur 148–49, 149 , 154, 157
Baléwil 313
ball games
Mesoamerican 247
Native American 237
Baugi 142 , 143
bear of Tuonela 163
Benandonner 168–69
Bergelmir 132
berserkers 139
Bestla 132
Bhagavan the Creator 212–13
Bharata 207, 208
Biami 306–07
Bifröst 133, 136, 156
Blodeuwedd 170 –71, 171
Book of the Dead 265, 269 , 282, 282 , 283, 283
Book of Leinster 165
Bor 131, 132
Brahma 200 , 206, 207, 210
Bran 165
Br’er Rabbit 287
British mythology 174–77
see also Celtic mythology
Brokk 144, 145
Bronze Age 38
Brynhild 159
Buataranga 320, 321
Buddha 180, 219
Bugan 227
bull cult 46, 77
Bull of Heaven 184, 184 , 194
Bundahishn 199
Buninyong 307
Búri 131
Byleist 153


Cabrakan 246, 247
calendar, ritual 252
Calliope 44, 53



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Calypso 68, 68 , 71
canoes 319 , 333
first canoe 258–59
Capitoline Triad 94, 107
Capitoline Wolf 103
Cardea 121
Carna 121
Cassiopeia 83
Cat of Heliopolis 273
cattle of Geryon 75
Cattle Raid of Cooley 166–67
Cecrops 57
Celtic mythology 13, 128, 129, 164–71
centaurs 63
Cephisus 114
Cerberus 49, 75, 100
Ceres 108, 111
Ceryneian Hind 74
Cethlenn 164
Cetus 83
Chalchiuhtlicue 251
Chang’e 217
Chantways 13
Chaos 20
Charon 48, 100
Charybdis 71
Cherokee 236–37
Chinese mythology 159, 180–81, 214–19
Chiron 63
Chrétien de Troyes 174, 177
Christian cosmology 155
Christianity 94, 117, 128, 154, 157, 159,
177, 199, 234, 331
Cihuacoatl 252
Cinyras 89
Circe 71, 84, 100
Clytemnestra 64, 65, 65
Codex Chimalpopoca 235
Coffin Texts 265, 271, 283
Corybantes 109, 116
creation myths
Aboriginal 304
Aztec 250–55
Babylonian 180, 188–89
Chinese 214 –15
Dogon 290–91
egg motif 161, 181, 214, 218, 231 , 316
Egyptian 268–71
Greek 20–23
Hindu 212–13
Inca 256–57
Native American 236–39
Norse 130–33, 161–62
Oceanic 300–01, 316 –17, 318, 324
Patagonian 260–61
San 284
see also humankind, origins of
Cretan bull 74, 76
Crete 27, 46, 76–77
Cúchulainn 166–67, 167
cults, mystery 17, 116–17
bull cult 46, 77

cults (cont.)
Dionysian 17, 52
Eleusinian Mysteries 51
Mithras 119
culture heroes 142, 147
Cupid 61, 112 , 112–13
Cybele 13, 95, 101, 108–09, 111, 116 , 116 –17
cyclical time 155
Cyclops 70


Daedalus 77, 78–81, 79 , 80 , 81
Dag 132
Dagda 164
Dagda’s Cauldron 164, 164
Danaë 46, 82
dances, sacred 240, 241, 261 , 304 , 330 , 331
Dan’gun Wanggeom 181, 229, 229
Daphne 60–61, 61
Dasharatha 206, 207
Dauarani 259
Dawi 315
decay, death, and regeneration 89, 117,
118, 272–73
see also seasonal cycle
Deerskin Dance 240, 241
Delphi 28, 58–59, 59, 73, 76, 86, 104
déma 13, 301, 310 –15
Demeter 17, 23, 26, 28–29, 30, 30, 31, 49, 50, 51
Descent of Inanna 184–87
Deukalion 37–38, 38, 197
dharma 181, 203
Dharti Mata 212
Di Jun 216
Dido 99, 99 , 100
Dinadin 312
Diomedes 74–75
Dionysius of Halicarnassus 95, 104
Dionysus 30, 30 , 31, 45, 52 , 65
Dis 99, 100
divination 104, 215, 265, 296, 296 , 297
Dodekatheon 29, 30
Dogon mythology 13, 265, 288–93
Dorobo 285
dragons 58, 84, 158, 159 , 225
Draupadi 202 , 203
Draupnir 145
Dreamtime 13, 300, 302–07
Druids 128
Duat 272, 273
Dumuzid 187, 194
Dun, the Brown Bull of Cooley 166, 167
Durga 210, 210
Duryodhana 203
Dushasana 202 , 203
dwarves and elves 132, 136, 137, 142,
144–145, 157, 158


Ea 188, 189, 197
Earth Mother 20, 22, 35, 212, 235, 238, 239
Easter Island 324–25
Echidna 49
Echo 114 , 114
Echtach 171
Eddic verse 13, 136, 137, 143, 152
see also Snorri Sturluson; Völuspá
Egeria 106, 107
egg motif 161, 181, 214, 218, 231, 316
Eggther 152–53
Egyptian mythology 12, 117, 264–65, 266–83
Eitri 144, 145
Elal 261
Electra 65
Elephant, Mount 307, 307
Eleusinian Mysteries 51
Elysian Fields 49
Embla 133
En-kai 265, 285
Enheduanna 185
Enki 186, 187
Enkidu 192, 192 , 193, 194, 195
Enlil 185, 186, 194, 197
Ennead 269, 282
Enuma Elish 12, 188–89
Eos 23
Epic of Gilgamesh 12, 180, 190–97
Epimetheus 37, 41
Epona 128
Ereshkigal 184, 185, 187
Erichthonius 57
Erinyes (Furies) 22, 65
Eros 60, 61 , 61 , 84, 88
Erymanthian boar 74
Eshu (Esù-Elegba) 265, 294–97, 295
Etruscan gods 94
euhemerism 131
Euripides 16, 65, 85
Europa 46, 46 , 77
European mythologies 126–75
Eurydice 53
Eurynomos 49
Eurystheus 73, 74, 75
evil, origins of 40–41
Excalibur 175–76, 175 , 176, 177


Fafnir 158, 158
fairy tales 113
Fates 35, 137


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