The Mythology Book

(Chris Devlin) #1
Faunus 106
Faustulus 103
Fengmeng 217
Fenian Brotherhood 169
Fenian Cycle 169
Fenrir 148, 152, 153, 155, 156
fertility 89, 117, 123, 184–87, 315
Fianna 169
Field of Reeds 264, 283
Finn MacCool 168–169, 169
Finnish mythology 129, 160–63
primal 38, 315, 321, 322
theft of 39, 147
fire giants 136, 153, 156, 156
Fish-Eyed Goddess 211
Fjalar 142, 153
flood myths 197
Aztec mythology 251
Greek mythology 37
Inca mythology 256
Mesopotamian mythology 195, 196, 197
Norse mythology 132
Formorians 164
founding myths
Athens 56–57
Ifaguo 226–27
Japan 220–21
Korea 228–31
Rome 94, 95, 100, 102–05, 116
South Pacific islands 322
Four Hundred Boys 246
Freki 139
Freyja 140, 140 , 141, 145, 149, 152, 152
Freyr 140, 153, 156
Frigg 148, 149
frost giants 131–32, 131 , 136, 153,
156, 157
Fufluns 94
Furies 22, 49, 65, 101, 117


Gagudju people 304, 305
Gaia 20–21, 20 , 22, 23, 26–27, 28
Galahad 175
Galar 142
Game of Dice 202–03
Gandhi, Mahatma 207
Gane 307
Ganesha 201 , 201
Garm 153, 155, 156
Gauri 201
Geb 269, 269 , 278, 283, 312, 313–14
Geri 139
Geryon 75
Geshtinanna 187
Geumwa 231

Giant’s Causeway 168–69, 169
Aboriginal mythology 308–09
Celtic mythology 168–69
Greek mythology 21–22, 32–33, 70, 75
Inca mythology 256
Norse mythology 131–32, 136, 141, 142,
145, 146–47, 153, 156, 157
Gilgamesh 184, 192 , 192–97
Ginnungagap 131, 132
Gjallarhorn 153, 153 , 156
Glauce 85
Golden Age 38
Golden Fleece 84, 85
Golden Hind 74
golden mean 80
Gorgons 82, 83
Gorlois 175
Graeae 83
Gram 158
great pike of Tuonela 163
Greek drama 16, 65, 85
Greek mythology 12–13, 14–91
Gronw Pebyr 170–71, 171
Gudrun 159
Gugalanna 184
Guinevere 176, 176 , 177
Gullveig 140
Gumuk Winga 307
Gungnir 144, 145
Gunnlod 142, 143, 143
Gunwinggu people 308, 309
Gwydion 170, 171
Gylfaginning 152, 155–57


Habaek 231
Haburi 235, 258, 259
Hades 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 48 , 48–51, 50 ,
53, 75, 83
Hae Mosu 230–31, 231
Hahuba 258, 259
Hanuman 208–09
Hapi 269
Harpies 99, 100
Hathor 268, 270, 271, 271 , 280, 281, 282
Hati Hródvitnisson 155
Haua 325
Hecatoncheires 21–22, 32, 33
Hector 63, 98
Heimdall 153, 153 , 156
Heka 269, 272
Hekate 49
Hel 136, 137, 148, 149, 153
Helen of Troy 62, 62
Helios 23, 51, 59, 81
Hephaetus 29 , 30, 31, 34, 39, 40, 41, 56–57, 59, 81

Hera 23, 26, 29, 29 , 31, 40, 41, 44, 45 , 46, 47,
52, 58, 72, 73, 75, 94
Herakles 39, 45, 72–75, 73
Hermes 30, 31, 40, 41, 46–47, 54 , 54–55, 83
Hero Twins 235, 244–47, 246
Heroic Age 38
Theogony 13, 17, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 33, 34,
35, 37, 38, 39, 44, 49, 55
Works and Days 40, 41
Hesperides 83
Hestia 23, 26, 28 , 29, 30, 31
Hindu cosmology 155
Hindu mythology 13, 159, 180, 181, 200–13
Hine-hau-one 318
Hine-nui-te-po 319
Hine-titama 318–19
Hinumbian 226, 227
Hippolyta 75
Hippomenes 117
Hirohito, Emperor 225, 225
Historia Brittorum (Nennius) 174
Historia Regum Britanniae (Geoffrey of
Monmouth) 174
Hod 149, 154, 157
Holy Grail 176, 177 , 177
Homer 17, 45, 69
Iliad 13, 16, 17, 62, 68, 69, 71, 98
Odyssey 13, 17, 49, 62, 68–71, 98
Homeric Hymns 50, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59
homosexuality, ritualized 314, 315
Honir 140, 141
Hope 41
Horae (Hours) 23, 35
horses of Diomedes 74–75
Horus 269–270, 270 , 280, 281, 281 , 282, 283
hound of Chulainn 167
Hrym 153, 155, 156
Hu 269, 272
huacas 257
hubris 80 , 81
Hugi 147
Huitzilopochtli 250, 252
human sacrifice
Aztec 235, 253 , 255
Greek 64
humankind, origins of
Aztec mythology 252–53
Babylonian mythology 189
Dogon mythology 290–91
Egyptian mythology 268
Greek mythology 36–39
Hindu mythology 212
Inca mythology 256
Maori mythology 318–19
Native American mythology 239
Norse mythology 133, 162
Papuan mythology 312–13
Tahitian mythology 317
Zoroastrian mythology 198
Humbaba 193, 194, 194
Hun-Batz 244, 246


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Lidum 226, 227
Lif 157
Liriope 114
Lleu Llaw Gyffes 170, 171
Loki 55, 132, 132 , 141, 144 , 144–47, 146 ,
148 , 149, 149 , 153, 155, 156, 158
Lönnrot, Elias 160, 161
Lords of the Underworld 235, 244–45, 247
Lotus-Eaters 69
Louhi 162, 163, 163
Lugaid 167
Luma-Luma 301, 308–09
Luna 119


Maasai 265, 285
Maasinta 285
Maat 272
Maenads 52, 109, 116
magical weapons 144–45
Magni 157
Mahabharata 13, 180, 202–03
Mahishasura 210, 210
Maia 54, 55
Makemake 301, 324–25, 325
Malayadwaja Pandya 211
mana 301
Mánagarm 155
Manannan 165
Máni 133
Maori mythology 301, 318–19, 321
Mapusia 328–31
Marduk 159, 181, 188 , 188–89
Marind-Anim people 13, 312–15
Mars 103, 105, 107
Mashya 198–99
Mashyoi 198–99
Math 170, 171
Math fab Mathonwy 170, 171
Maui 301, 319, 320–23, 322 , 323
Mauike 321, 322
Maya mythology 234–35, 244–47
Mayahuel 253, 254
Mayakoto 258
Mead of Poetry 142, 143 , 147
Medb 166, 167
Medea 84 , 84–85, 85
Medusa 82 , 82–83
Meenakshi 211
Megara 73
Menelaus 62, 63
Mercury 54, 99, 125, 125
Merlin 174, 175
Mesoamerican mythologies 234–35, 244–57
Mesopotamian mythologies 12, 184–97
Messiah 199
Metis 47

Hun-Came 247
Hun-Chowen 244, 246
Hun-Hunahpu 244, 245, 245
Hunahpu 244–47
Hwanin 228
Hwanung 228–29
Hydra 73, 74
Hymn to Inanna 185
Hyperion 21, 23


I Ching 215
Iapetus 21, 23, 36–37
Icarus 78–81, 79 , 80 , 81
Idavoll 154, 157
Idun 146 , 149
Ifá 265, 290–93, 297
Ifaluk mythology 332–33
Ifugao 13, 181, 226–27
Igraine 174–75
Ilmarinen 161, 162, 162, 163
Ilmatar 161–62, 161
Inanna 12, 182–87, 185 , 186
Inca mythology 234, 235, 256–57
infanticide 103
Inuit 234, 235, 236, 242–43
Io 46
Iphigenia 64
Iris 99
Irish mythology 129, 164–69, 171
Iron Age 38, 129
Ishtar 12, 186 , 194
Isis 13, 95, 117, 269, 273, 274 , 274–75, 278, 279,
279, 280, 281, 281 , 283
Izanagi 181, 220–21, 221 , 222
Izanami 181, 220–21


Jade Emperor 218–19
Janus 121
Japanese imperial regalia 225
Japanese mythology 181, 220–25
Jason 84–85
Jatayu 208, 208
Jimmu, Emperor 225
Jocasta 86, 87
Jörmungand 148, 153, 155–56
Jötunheim 133, 136, 137, 146–47
Joukahainen 162
Jumong 181, 230–31
Juno 94, 99, 101, 107, 108, 114
Jupiter 94, 99, 101, 106–07, 113, 116, 125, 125

Jupiter Heliopolitanus 95
Jupiter Optimus Maximus 107
Jupiter Stator 105


Kaang 265, 284
Kabigat 226–27
Kagutsuchi 220
Kaikeyi 207
Kalevala 129, 160–63
Kali 201
kami 221, 225
Kar-a-kar 315
Karro 261
Kauravas 202–03
Kausalya 207
Keyumars 198
Khepri 268 , 273
Klymene 37
Kojiki 223, 224
Kóoch 235, 260–61
Korean mythology 228–31
Kouretes 27, 27
Krishna 203, 203
Kronos 21, 22, 23, 26, 26 , 27, 28, 36
Kullili people 305
Kur 185–86
Kushi-nada-hime 225
Kvasir 140, 142
Kyklopes 21, 32


Labyrinth 77, 78, 79
Lady of the Lake 176, 176 , 177
Lakshmana 207, 208
Lancelot du Lac 176 , 177
Land of Women 165
Larentia 103–04
Last Judgment 154
Latin League 101
Lavinia 100, 101
Le Morte d’Arthur (Thomas Malory) 174,
175, 176
Lébé 290, 292, 293
Leda 45
Legba 265
Legend of the Five Suns 248–55
Leifthrasir 157
Lemminkäinen 161, 162–63
Leto 47, 59
Library (Apollodorus) 26, 37, 38, 47, 73, 74,
76, 83


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