The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


He requests that she pray so that
he can preserve her immortal
soul despite killing her body.
This suggests that the murder
is, in Othello’s mind at least,
an honor killing rather than a
vengeful killing.
Honor is a word that creeps into
the world of the characters. How
can Othello be honorable
if he is also a murderer? When
the truth is eventually known
to Othello, he calls for his own
damnation, claiming that
Desdemona is a “heavenly sight”
while he is a “cursèd, cursèd
slave” (5.2.283). The question on
everyone’s lips at the close of the
play relates to Iago. What will
happen to him now? Othello
accuses him of being a “demi-devil”
(5.2.307) and Lodovico calls him a

“hellish villain” (5.2.378). Iago
might have survived this tragedy,
but his torment will begin now, first
through earthly torture and then
in everlasting hellfire. Survival may
be his punishment.

The handkerchief
Othello’s handkerchief, which is
embroidered with strawberries,
is a key instrument of his marital
downfall. By attaching emotional
significance to this small object,
Othello makes himself vulnerable
to Iago’s scheming, and readily
accepts the theory that Desdemona
handed over this treasured gift
to her “lover.” The fact that
Desdemona lies about misplacing
it affirms her husband’s suspicions
about her infidelity.
This tiny prop comes to
represent the tension and mistrust
in Othello and Desdemona’s
marriage. So weighted is this
object that, in 1693, the historian
Thomas Rymer argued that the
play ought to be called “The
Tragedy of the Handkerchief.” ■

Villainy, villainy, villainy!
I think upon’t, I think. I smell’t.
O villainy!
Act 5, Scene 2

Iago plays on
Othello’s jealousy
to further his own
plan. He wreaks his
revenge not only on
Othello, but also on
Desdemona and
Cassio. He exploits
youthful naivety,
and the character
flaws in Othello
and Cassio.

He is ready to believe the
words of his trusted comrade
Iago. He is already suspicious
and insecure by nature.

Cassio has been preferred to him as lieutenant,
and Iago suspects that it is Cassio’s friendship
with Desdemona that swung Othello’s decision.
Iago now has the motive to ruin all three.

The plotter

Key victims

She is loyal to her husband,
but Iago exploits her youth
to drive Othello mad
with jealousy.

Young and handsome, with an
eye for women, he has all the
qualities Iago needs to make
Othello jealous of him.

Control Jealousy Naivety Lechery
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