The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


Coriolanus is outraged that he
must appear before the people
once more, and cannot contain
his disdain. He gladly leaves the
city that has shown him ingratitude
and joins the enemy Volscian
army. Together with Aufidius,
his old enemy, he plots Rome’s
destruction. Aufidius secretly
plans Coriolanus’s downfall.
When the people of Rome hear
about Coriolanus’s intention to burn
the city, they send Menenius to
discourage him, but Coriolanus’s
mind is resolved. In a final attempt
to change his mind, Volumnia and

Coriolanus’s wife and son visit the
Volscian camp to plead with the
soldier to spare them and the
city. Coriolanus is steadfast at
first, but his resolve melts when
his mother pleads on her knees
before her son. In sparing Rome,
Coriolanus sacrifices his own life
by betraying the Volscian army.
While the people of Rome rejoice,
Coriolanus’s mother acknowledges
the sacrifice her son has made.
He is brutally murdered by the
Volscians, but Aufidius states
that he should be given a
warrior’s burial. ❯❯


It is held
That valour is the chiefest
virtue, and
Most dignifies the haver.
Act 2, Scene 2


3.1 4.4 5.3

3.3 4.5 5.4

unwillingly shows
the people his
wounds to win
their votes.

Tribunes Sicinius and Brutus
turn the people against

Coriolanus joins the
Volscian army and
plans Rome’s
destruction with

Coriolanus’s mother,
wife, and son travel
to plead with him
for mercy.

Coriolanus scorns the
common people and is
banished from Rome.

The Volscian
army, along
with Coriolanus,
prepares to
attack Rome.

Coriolanus calls off the
attack. The people of
Rome are delighted at
the news.


Coriolanus is murdered
by the Volscian people,
but given a military burial.

Act 3 Act 4 Act 5

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