The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1



uckingham vents his anger
at Cardinal Wolsey’s pride
and ambition, displayed in
his extravagant celebration of a
hollow peace treaty with France.
But before he can denounce Wolsey
to the king, the cardinal lays false
accusations against him. The duke
is arrested. At the same time we
hear of the impending fall of Queen
Katherine who, a few scenes earlier,
had successfully intervened with
the king against harsh taxes
secretly imposed by Wolsey. The
crafty cardinal gives out that he
is responsible for this reprieve.


Katherine loses status when
Henry falls in love with Anne
Boleyn. Brought before a court
whose judges, especially Wolsey,
she denounces as biased, the
queen defends her marriage. In a
private meeting with Wolsey, she
continues her spirited defense, but
finally accepts defeat. Katherine’s
hostility toward Wolsey, however,
persists until her final hour, in exile
at Kimbolton. Having been told of
the cardinal’s death she gives a
scathing verdict of his character,
yet allows her gentleman usher to
enumerate his virtues.


Henry VIII King of England.

Katherine of Aragon
Queen of England, later
Princess Dowager.

Cardinal Wolsey Archbishop
of York and Lord Chancellor.

Thomas Cromwell Wolsey’s

Duke of Buckingham
A noble fiercely opposed
to Wolsey.

Duke of Norfolk A noble
more moderately opposed
to Wolsey.

Duke of Suffolk, Lord
Sands, Sir Thomas Lovell,
Sir Anthony Denny, Sir
Henry Guildford, Sir
Nicholas Vaux, the Lord
Chamberlain, and the
Lord Chancellor Nobles,
officials, and gentlemen of
the royal court.

Cardinal Campeius
Ambassador of the Pope.

Thomas Cranmer
A Protestant cleric, later
Archbishop of Canterbury.

Bishop of Lincoln
Cranmer’s colleague.

Stephen Gardiner
Henry’s new secretary, later
Bishop of Winchester.

Anne Boleyn Queen
Katherine’s maid of honor,
later Henry’s queen.

Griffith Katherine’s usher.

Old Lady Anne’s confidante.






Henry dances with
Anne Boleyn at Wolsey’s
banquet and kisses her.
He is entranced.

Resenting Wolsey’s
ambition, Buckingham
plans to denounce
him to Henry, but
the cardinal will
bring him
down first.

Katherine asks Henry
to rescind the
damaging taxes
imposed by Wolsey.

Anne pities
Katherine and denies
any ambitions of her
own, but then is
made Marchioness
of Pembroke.

Buckingham is sent
to be executed.
Rumors reveal Henry’s
wish to separate from
Queen Katherine, for
which Wolsey is blamed.

Act 1 Act 2

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