The Shakespeare Book

(Joyce) #1


As Katherine falls, Anne rises.
Soon after meeting the king at
Wolsey’s banquet, she is awarded
the title Marchioness of Pembroke.
The cardinal, however, favors a
marriage with the French king’s
sister and fears Anne’s Lutheran
faith. Publicly he pretends to
advance the divorce, thus securing
the king’s favor. Secretly,
he asks the pope to delay the
proceedings as long as possible.
When Henry learns of this double-
dealing, Wolsey loses power, and
shortly after dies. The dukes of
Norfolk and Suffolk, who supported

Katherine over the unfair taxes,
quickly adapt to the new power
balance, welcome Henry’s secret
marriage to Anne, and appear
newly raised to the titles of Earl
Marshal and High Steward at
Anne’s subsequent coronation.
Henry becomes his own man
with Wolsey’s fall. He replaces the
cardinal’s men with councilors of
his own choice. The christening
of Henry and Anne’s daughter
Elizabeth closes the play, with the
archbishop predicting that her
golden reign will justify Henry’s
dubious dynastic dealings. ❯❯



3.2 4.1 5.1

3.2 4.2 5.2

Strongly defending her
marriage, Katherine
rejects the court’s
authority. Henry sets
out his reasons for
seeking a divorce.

Wolsey’s disloyalty
to Henry is revealed
and he is arrested.
Henry has secretly
married Anne.

Anne is crowned
in an elaborate

Anne gives birth
to a daughter.

Wolsey advises
Cromwell to learn
from his disloyalty, which
was brought on by pride.

Katherine learns
of Wolsey’s
death, and
predicts her own
imminent death.

Gardiner arraigns
Cranmer, who
supports the king’s
divorce, but Henry
intervenes, forcing
a reconciliation.


The infant Elizabeth
is christened.

Act 3 Act 4 Act 5

Yet I am richer than
my base accusers,
That never knew what
truth meant.
Act 2, Scene 1
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